Jun 14, 2011 00:57
MAN I LOVE PARIS. i attempted to do a day-by-day recount but that kind of failed so yeah. so strange this thing about me, i can never recount the memories i treasure the most cuz i get really >: when the words don't do the events justice ahaha. basically it was the little things la. except i can't even elaborate on those cuz there were too many little things. i loved our nights though, they were all spent well :> i liked spending time with people. 1A, chwelf and individuals. the whole trip was basically about individuals. and i had time to think :)
had a nice day yesterday after getting back! reached home showered and slept from 9 to 11 then went to church then mum made me go for some face shiz cuz Paris really ate up my skin then got home and slept again from 430-730. at night mum's friends came for dinner gosh they're so qtpie it's like a bunch of old ladies being cute and all these bimbo quotes and parrot jokes start coming out and me and my dad are just sitting there and i'm laughing and my dad's giving his lol-these-dumb-women face. today was nice too studied with kenneth and kevin before we got unproductive hahaha but talking was good too. i thought so much on the way home. i'm kinda thankful for 156 bus rides cuz they give me time to think :)
there's too many shades of in-between, srsly. idk when i'm going to get things figured out.