Aug 01, 2004 22:29
I feel so lonely..I cried for absolutely no reason at all today..then did it again. It felt good but left me nothing.
I am tired of feeling sad for no life isn't perfect but I don't see why I do that!
very frusterating :\
I'll deal though..hopefully grow out of it like everyone says will happen..although I can't remember my sister's going through this stuff..
my sister came home crying a little while ago..then left with Wess..
I hope nothing too drastic happened. She's the most emotionally detached one out of the three of us. It takes a lot to break her. I wish I could be that way. Just let things roll off my shoulders. Instead I save them and bottle it up until I explode and it all comes crashing down on me so I am forced to deal...I need to not do that anymore.
I'm tired of people's mess..I don't need it. I have my own. I can't deal with yours..I'm sorry I'm not perfect but this is how I am and it isn't likely to change drastically anytime soon.
Bleh biddy boo...I think I am going crazy thinking too much. I need to get out more<3