Oct 24, 2005 20:04
So TJ and I are going to apply for food stamps...sounds like fun right? I just still can't get the image of a poor family in the ghetto...and I do mean the PROPER ghetto, where everyone is the same...they ALL have food stamps, wic, project housing..the lot. But hey, it will keep us fed and healthy, what more could I ask for? Oh, the money that is owed to TJ? *hint hint*
Oh yes...Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (with Jonny Depp) was OK at best. I give mad props and kudos to Johnny Depp for not trying to be Gene Wilder, and I give Kudos to Tim Burton for doing a totally different style movie than the original. The part though that really ircks me...the 'oompa loompas' It was ONE GUY copied a billion times...I didn't like it..and he never maintained any constant heighth...nope didn't like the oompas.