Life Update: Deeper into the Johnny's World

Oct 09, 2022 12:58

So, in my last LJ update I mentioned learning about SnowMan. And guess what, over the last eight months, SnowMan has become the main group that I follow and support. Maybe, when I have more time to process my thoughts I will break down what made me love them the most.

Of course, Arashi and Eito will always have a special place in my heart. The same goes for SexyZone.

Actually, its true when they say that once you start following one Johnny's group, you start following everyone [if not most of them]. I became familiar with most of them minus the jrs [maybe next year?]. Speaking of Jr. Groups I got into the, Travis Japan - which luckily will DEBUT SOOONNNN.

That's it. Until I remember to post an entry again :)

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