(no subject)

Jun 15, 2006 16:13

Title: ...?
Fandom: Gundam SEED/Destiny
Pairing: Shinn/Caga
Rating: PG

Because this idea wouldn't leave me alone and now there's a choppy ending...

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gundam SEED/Destiny or any of its characters. No profit is being made from writing this short story.


The slow and paced song was something he liked. Cagalli could tell by the way he looked up at her. Although, the song didn’t keep the other one interested, seeing as how she was asleep.

The blonde liked his determination; the way he kept reaching up for the small, bean bagged dog in her hands reminded Cagalli of when she was a child.

Maybe he would take after her.

After all, he had the same coloured eyes as her and preferred the same deep shade of red she did when she was his age. His sister would probably take after Shinn, which wasn’t too bad, considering the fact that she married him not too long ago. But at the moment, he wasn’t on her good side.

The blonde was still a little sore from giving birth a week ago and her doctor had told her to stretch once in a while. She closed her eyes and reached up for the ceiling, uttering a low moan while doing so.

Her eyes snapped open and looked down at the crib when signals of him crying went off. Smiling again, Cagalli propped her elbow up on the wood, placing her cheek on her palm and started to shake the plushie again.

As she did that, her eyes travelled to her daughter. The girl had been sleeping for almost 12 hours. The blonde was told that babies slept for a long time after being born but this was really hard to believe. She resisted the urge to wake the nameless baby up.

A low chuckle from behind caught the Representative’s attention, making her rotate her head around with her mouth slightly open. Her lips shut quickly and she snapped her head back onto her hand when she saw who it was.

It was the man who caused her to go through those torturing 16 hours.

“You know, this is an image of you I never thought I would see…My shirt sure seems comfortable.”

Cagalli flicked her eyes downwards to the big white shirt and jeans she wore. She was really happy that she could fit into her jeans again but her shirts were a different story…She closed her eyes and lowered the plushie unintentionally.

“Not talking to me?”

She heard footsteps coming towards her, making her lower the dog even more. The boy’s happy sounds were the only thing keeping her from giving Shinn a swift punch.

Her eyes snapped opened and moving hand stopped when Shinn wrapped his arms around her waist. He buried his nose into the shirt, making Cagalli close her eyes again. Her lips were shaped in order to tell him that she was annoyed.

The warmth which was transferred from him to her did nothing to cool her down. She was aware of his hands snaking towards her abdomen but the blonde think that he was going to squeeze the loose skin.

Whether or not her son was watching didn’t matter to Cagalli as she whacked Shinn with the toy. The only part of her body that moved was her arm. The blonde liked the fact that she could maintain her cool and be angry at the same time. This was the advantage of being the sister of Kira Yamato.

She cracked an eyelid open to look at her dark haired husband. Currently he was holding his nose and had doubled over slightly. Smirking, Cagalli looked away and to the small boy, who was still happily making noises and motioned that he wanted to be picked up.

She placed the toy down and picked him up carefully. A gentle smile was then placed on her lips instead of a scowl because she knew that her baby might catch her habits. She didn’t want a kid who would scowl 24/7.

As she placed a soft kiss on his forehead, Shinn came over to her to play with him. She refused to give him up though because it was her that did all the work to bring them into the world and she deserved to play with her children.

“Uzumi.” She said, causing Shinn to look up at her in confusion.
“I want to name him after father.” As Cagalli made baby noises, a frown formed on Shinn’s forehead.
“I wanted to name him after Rey.” Cagalli looked up at him.
“I want Uzumi.”
“But I want Rey.” Two pairs of eyes narrowed slightly.

The names were repeated between the two in raised voices, forgetting that a baby still slept. They only stopped when she started to cry. Since Cagalli was preoccupied with the baby, Shinn went over to soothe her.

He picked her up and cradled her in his arms after she stopped crying. Turning back to Cagalli, he said he wanted to name the girl Mayu.

“What? I wanted to name her Asagi.” Fire returned to the blonde’s auburn eyes while ice crept into the raven haired boy’s ruby orbs.


One hour later…

Athrun gave his car keys to the driver and thanked him. He turned to his brown haired friend and said that they could go in now.

“I can’t believe that I haven’t been able to see the twins yet.” Kira said, placing his hands into his jacket pocket. The hard wind was just making the cold day even worse.

“I guess that’s one of the disadvantages of being Orb’s General Commander.” Athrun replied. He was a little regretful that he wasn’t able to see the kids either but he had been in PLANTS for an election.

The kids just had to be born in the busiest time of the year. Both adults nodded at the man who held the door open for them.

“May I take your jacket, sirs?” Athrun and Kira reluctantly took off their jackets and handed it to the man. He then pointed towards a red couch set.

“Madam and Sir will be with you in a moment.” After that, he disappeared to who knows where. Kira never liked that butler.

While Athrun walked straight over to one of the couches and sat down, Kira took his time to get there, admiring the many paintings of horses and lions on the walls.


The two men looked up a long flight of stairs and found a happy couple walking down towards them, bundles in their arms. Kira walked over to Cagalli and kissed her forehead before looking down at the bundle in her hands. Instead of the traditional blue, her son was wrapped in a thin red blanket.

Smiling, Kira placed a finger on the boy’s cheek. Cagalli then offered the boy to him for Kira to hold as she greeted Athrun. Looking to the other side, the brown haired man saw that Cagalli seemed to like breaking tradition. The baby had a similar blanket but hers was a soft yellow colour.

Athrun held the girl in his arms as he talked with Shinn. The blonde then led the three of them to the couch. She and Shinn went to one while Kira and Athrun settled themselves onto the couch opposite them.

“Did you want anything to eat or drink?” Cagalli asked.
“Sure, can I get water?”
“Same here, please.”

She nodded and looked to Shinn. “Make sure to put ice cubes in it.” Shinn frowned but knew better than to argue. While the two exchanged words, Kira and Athrun tried their best to stifle smirks. Some things never changed.

“When did you get back, Athrun?”

The blue haired male blinked and grinned, “Just yesterday. I came to see these two.” He looked down at the babies before looking at Cagalli’s happy face. “What did you name them?”

Her chuckle had the two men confused and they awaited her answer. As soon as her mouth was parted to speak, both children started to cry. Kira blinked and rocked the boy a little while Athrun panicked a bit.

When both failed, Cagalli chuckled again, walked over to them and took her children from them. She pressed the two against her shirt and rocked them back and forth. The words whispered from the blonde’s mouth hushed them and the blonde then walked back to the couch.

Kira was a little surprised at her actions and their reactions. For some reason, he had always imagined his sister being a panicky mother. Not that this was bad or anything but just a little surprising.


Two glasses were placed loudly onto the table by Shinn while Cagalli talked. He looked at their guests and was a little taken back by Athrun. The older male was…looking at Cagalli. He knew that they used to go out and everything but she was his property.

But if he said that out loud, he was sure to get a beating. So he did the next best thing; he sat himself really close to her and pushed his arm against the back of the couch and around her waist.

He glanced at Athrun and smirked a tiny smirk.

“…and Shinn wanted to name them Rey and Mayu.” There was a minute of silence for their fallen comrade and Asuka before the blonde continued. “So we came up with Daichi and Asami!”

Because Cagalli and Shinn seemed really happy about the solution, neither Kira nor Athrun said anything. They didn’t say that the girl could’ve been named Asagi while the boy could have been named Rey or vice versa.

“…I’m glad you found a solution to your problem.” Athrun said and smiled.

lily, gundam seed destiny, shinn/cagalli, gundam seed

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