Why Nick Is Hot

Oct 31, 2008 00:53

Pairing: Britney/Nick
Word Count: 322
Rating: PG-13 or something
Author's notes: This started out as something ridiculously self-indulgent. Like ridiculously. Now it's just self-indulgent. (Originally posted on August 29, 2008.)

Why Nick Is Hot

She watched them rehearse for probably the 1,029,482nd time. She’d seen them do the routine enough that at any time she could go up there and do it herself. With her eyes closed, hands tied behind her back, or even asleep. She knew exactly when Brian would hold his hand to his ear to make the crowd sing, when Nick and AJ would do that thrusty thing they do, and even when Howie would do that disgusting salsa move he always does.

But something was different about this rehearsal: Carter was looking good. Naturally she always thought that, being his girlfriend and all. But no, something was different today. His clothes? No, he was wearing his regular sweatpants and t-shirt combo. Hair? No, it was covered by that damn baseball cap which was tilted to the right because God forbid he wore it correctly.

She followed him with her eyes, concentrating on every detail of his person. His voice had its usual amount of whine and sex, he still held his mic with the same intensity he held his dick when he was getting himself off, and he most definitely still looked at everything like he wanted to fuck it. Now that she thought about it, he always looked very horny onstage.

Or she just associated him with sex. Again naturally, being his girlfriend and all. Ah, there was that glorious thrusty thing. Then it hit her.

His smile.

It had been a long time since anyone saw smile like that. It was a smile. It was a genuine smile. It was a smile that said, “I’m happy. I’m legit happy.” God, now he’s got her saying “legit”. Point is, he looked happy. He stopped gliding across the stage for a moment to look at her and direct his smile at her, his genuine, legit happy smile.

Britney made him smile again. Oh, and act sexier, but that’s not the point here.


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