so kaitlyn came over lastt night at like 7 and we looked through eachother's year books then went outside on the back deck for the rest of the night making smores and what not. and just talked the whole time. yeahhh it was fun. i think i'm gonna have her over later this week with mike and people. okay cool aisling haha. umm oh my god. today my mom is bringing me into the high school to talk with the head of the math department. i failed my algebra final. and i'm didn't do too swell in mr. ross's math class all year. and i'm not that bad of a math student so i don't understand. i even got a tutor for this year. so we're going in sometime soon and look over the test so i can show my tutor. my mom is making me go to her over the summer=/. my throat hurts. i think i breathed in too much smoke from making smores haha. when kaitlyn was over we made a CD. and she just IMed me saying that it's not working. hahah i so failed life. i'll try again if she comes over thursday or whatever. yeahh i need to get the trampoline set up. i want kaitlyn to meet mike if he comes. he's a funny kid, i like his jesus sandles ahahah. yessss devinne has a group she always hangs out with and i don't really fit in. so great! maybe i'll hang out with kaitlyn and mike and other people. wow lauren is so random it's crazy look at her picture she edited of my and jon from the matches