1. Are you an Essential Worker?
Technically, yes! However, since I've been sick since March 1st, I'm not accepting shift work at the respite right now. Working from home as a contractor though.
2. How many drinks have you had since the quarantine started?
ZERO, a distinction that only myself and
siderea share of the memes I've seen. I've been on antibiotics since March 24th and I wasn't drinking before then, because I don't consume any recreational substances that function as CNS depressants while ill as much I can avoid it. (CNS stimulants to a lesser extent but I tend to still need coffee).
I also try to sweat through fevers rather than take an antipyretic, or treat the tension underlying tension headaches rather than masking the headache. As a rule, I only medicate menstrual cramps with OTC meds. Cannabis is a different story, but falls under the 'CNS depressant' part of the exclusion. I've used edibles around twice a week, since the pneumonia cleared up, for severe pain and muscle tension, plus topical CBD/THC oil for the painful area itself along with grapefruit seed extract to fight infection.
And, you know, I do take the 3-4 daily psychiatric meds I've fucking ended up back on in short damn order and the maybe-dozen supplements I've been on this whole time-omega 3, vitamin D, good B with extra B12, etc.)
3. If you have kids... Are they driving you nuts?
DINKWAD-double income, no kids, with a dog. The dog is very happy. And spoiled.
4. What new hobby have you taken up during this?
Multiple infection management. Ho ho ho.
In less inflammatory news, gardening! I indulged myself in buying an Aerogarden so that should be VERY fun. It arrives tomorrow and we're currently re-arranging the kitchen so that we don't blow a fuse with one more appliance plugged in constantly.
5. How many grocery runs have you done?
Me? None since March 15th. Trav: one a week, plus food bank once a week, plus shopping for Sasha's family.
6. What are you spending your stimulus check on?
The aforementioned Aerogarden for me, books and 2 new bookcases for Trav. Maintenance on Trav's car. Paying down Trav's credit card bill so we can buy an RV and move onto Sasha's parents' property, though that's more of a 5-year plan than a near-term goal.
7. Do you have any special occasions that you will miss during this quarantine?
Passover was via Zoom-nice to be included, except that it was rife with technical difficulties so our video was not received.
8. Are you keeping your housework done?
No! I've been forced to stay off my feet and not meal prep, which is VERY FRUSTRATING. Also Trav has now noticed how much deep cleaning I was doing when he was at work, which is nice, but he's noticed it because the apartment keeps getting grubbier, which is not nice.
9. What movie have you watched during this quarantine?
The 2017 Jumanji and Frozen 2. So in no particular order, movies from the last year I want to watch: new Jumanji 3, "Crazy Rich Asians," "Little Women," "Knives Out," "Men in Black: International," "Late Night," "The Long Shot," "Booksmart," "Plus One" and "Shazam." Maybe "Us", "Hustlers" and "Godzilla: King of the Monsters." "Animals."
In TV news, I've enjoyed Cells at Work and plan to enjoy Ronja: The Robber's Daughter soon.
9b. What are you reading right now?
While I was very ill, I re-read "The Secret Garden" which is one of my comfort reads. Very comforting, as I shall Live Forever and Ever.
10. What are you streaming with?
Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime on a PS4.
11. 9 months from now is there any chance of you having a baby?
Not unless something goes very very wrong.
12. What's your go-to quarantine meal?
I'm partial to a hearty vegetable soup made in a slow cooker. I basically start with mirepoix, add homemade stock then fresh veg I need to use, and round it out with canned stuff.
Trav likes picking up food, because cooking's out of his comfort zone.
13. Is this whole situation making you paranoid?
No. Paranoia is when the objective reality is not actively hostile. Right now, objective reality is actively hostile in multiple ways. Politically speaking some real fucking atrocities are happening. WAG THE DOG.
14. Has your internet gone out on you during this time?
Nope! Heard a lot of negative things about xF1nity (C0mcast) but they've been decent to me so far.
15. What month do you predict this all ends?
When what all ends? Social distancing... maybe June for a month or two if transmission falls off in the summer in the Northern Hemisphere.
16. First thing you're gonna do when you get off quarantine?
Nude beach 4 lyf.
17. Where do you wish you were right now?
Swimming in the ocean.
18. What free-from-quarantine activity are you missing the most?
Cuddling and hanging out with my girlfriend.
19. Have you run out of toilet paper and hand sanitizer?
I'm running low on hand sanitizer, annoyingly, because I need to use it /and/ wash my hands before I try to 'help the infection' along by encouraging expression of discharge.
20. Do you have enough food to last a month?
Yes, and I did before the pandemic was widely expected to hit the United States. I have minor food hoarding tendencies thanks to a shitty childhood.
Originally posted at
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