completely. speechless. maybe im looking into this too much. but that seriously was the most amazing and beautiful thing ive ever seen in my life. ive realized there is so more, so much more to life than my job, high school, grades, college, depression. all of it.
there are beautiful things in disaster.
there are beautiful things in the dark.
there are so many beautiful things everywhere all you have do is look. all you have to do.
its ok. it is. its ok.
You are "Lets Not Shit Ourselves (To Love and
to Be Loved)". You are cautious of your
actions and if you feel you'll end up being
hurt in a situation, you avoid it. You like
things in life to be real and pure, and you
hate the News on TV. To you, love is a puzzle
that you once felt a piece of but now you have
learned to focus on other things. You want to
get away from where you are.
Which BRIGHT EYES song are you? brought to you by