Nov 04, 2008 13:09
Halloween ruled so hard. I actually DID something this halloween, which is pretty out of the norm. First Panda, Ken, Jes and I went to the big pillow fight by Larimer square. It was awesome! We saw Marion and Muffin there, including the old Race house kids. My shell totally got caught on some guy! I almost took him down with me! Then we went to Allen and Selena's party at their swanky ass loft, a few of the SGs were there and god they looked way cute, then I come in with my cheap ass felt costume hahah. It was cool though. Then I drank a Red bull cola. Now if anyone knows how I act on redbull.. they know the turn that this night has taken. We left the party and I jumped, talked (A LOT), and barked at people, my mind was going a mile a minute. We got to Vinyl, VIP! To see Ghostface Killa of course. John Bury met up with us and got suppppper drunk. Dudes were trying to hit it nonstop, one guy actually tried to hold my hand, I was like "Whoa! there!" Then Panda put on his angry face to scare dudes away, it was quite adorable if I might say. Well after dancing a lot because of all that false Redbull energy I crashed HARD. So I layed down next to John on the couch at Vinyl trying to collect myself. It was time to go and I stumbled up and then John threw up allll over himself. Finally got back to Panda's, a bunch of people came over and I was OUT of it. Dizzy, straight up stumbling everywhere, at this point I am like, Did someone slip something into my RedBull or something? We turn on "Set it Off", greatest movie ever by the way, starring Queen Latifah, Vivica Fox, etc and I totally fall asleep in Panda's lap on the couch, then next thing you know I wake up at 8:30 the next morning in bed in my Ninja Turtle costume not even knowing how exactly I got there and feeling like hell, and also being slightly angry because I really wanted to have sex in my costume! Haha
Then I haul ass to my apartment and get ready for my Investment club meeting I am supposed to be at by 10am, which I ended up being like 10 minutes late to. The whole investment club thing is really awesome because it is a great thing to have knowledge on and can totally make me money. We have homework to learn the stock definitions and we are all assigned certain sectors to research so that we can make a stock propsal, I took Green Technology. The contribution is $100 a month that we all pool together (there are 13 of us) and then we pick a stock, as a group that we would like to invest in.
Now to the horrors of college education.
Basically, I am the laziest college student on the planet. My color theory class is hurting because I just half ass all the assignments, yet- A'ced all my projects. Art History of the 19th-20th century is ridiculous, I have gotten 97% on all the exams and I barelllly study, truely that should be my HARDEST class. Then there is German. Fuck that. I am dropping it as my minor, all its doing is bringing down my gpa because I am doing so shitty, it would serve as a double minor anyway. So in contrast to that, I am going to take a month long german couse in Heidelburg next summer with my sister! woo! Very exciting, and its totally moderately priced!
Hmm social life.. I miss Britt! I never see her! I wish my car didn't suck so much ass. Teresa protects me from the vicious mice in my apartment. Avery is my new Bff. Ken is awesome, probably one of Panda's friend that I like the most. Oh, I am also getting hated on like nobody's business from a CERTAIN female. Which is funny, very funny.
Oh yeah, OBAMA!!!