Nov 07, 2006 14:39
It's funny the little things about you that you know, but nobody else ever seems to pick up on. Like the fact that I can eat a huge meal, and an hour later still be ready to go eat at moe's with my mom is always amazed. So I usually extend my hand and say hey, I'm Kelly.. I eat a lot.
I realized today that I really don't show a lot of enthusiasm, and people tend to take that the wrong way. Hence, my fear of Christmas and other gift exchanging occasions. Just because I don't jump up and down and wave my arms around shrieking, does not mean I don't love the gift that I got, or that I am not thankful, or happy, or proud...etc. Makes me wonder if this is something I ought to change, or if I ought to expect those who know me well to understand this about me. Kind of like nobody really ever realizes that when I'm acting hyper, 95% of the time it means I'm actually upset about something. I often wish people would know that and relate better to it, but I suppose it's my own fault for not being able to express my emotions like a normal individual. Okay, that's all I have to say about that.
Anyways, someone told me I hadn't written in a while, so I didn't want to further disappoint.
It's Tuesday...the apartment is empty except for it's quiet..and cold. I'm waiting on my grandma to call me, not entirely looking forward to it, but anxious to get it over with. There is some tension between us, she's upset with me and I'm frustrated with her...and I don't want to be, but I know we're just going to get on the phone and both cry about it..
Last week went by soo slowly. Halloween was uneventful for me, I stayed here and hung out with Katie Brown, working on homework and watching tv. Fine with me, I'm not a huge fan of the whole halloween thing. Took lot's of tests last week, I got my anatomy test back yesterday, 92! And my World Religions test: a 95! This means I have 5 A's and only 1 B left I think, which makes me so excited. I didn't get my French or Psychology tests back yet, but I'm pretty sure I did fine on both of those. The semester really isn't that far from over, which is a little stressful, I need to get to work on my final projects really soon. Melanie and Jessica and I are going to do our Islam thing together, which is nice. I love those two, so glad I'm getting to know Jessica, she's great.
I can't decide who to study for my psychology project...I guess Val or Dorothy would be the easiest choice.
I really don't have that much homework this week..some for anatomy lab, and world religions now that our test was moved up a week, and I guess preliminary stuff for both projects...and there's always French. Okay, maybe I do have plenty of homework.
Feels like it's Thursday and that tomorrow should be Friday, how disappointing. This weekend I think Corrie is coming home, so I may go to Wake Forest for a day, at least Sunday for church and lunch.
Have to go to the allergy doctor today...I don't know what they're gonna do this time, I guess just evaluate how I've been since the last visit. As long as they don't stick a bunch of needles in me and then make me sit for 20 minutes in a cold room wearing a gown that won't stay closed...I'll be fine. The doctor really is scary though, he totally looks like a Russian mad scientist, and his ankles are so skinny I have no idea how they hold up the rest of his's just not normal.
Okay Mema was supposed to call me at 1, it's 20 til 2...wonder if I should call her, or if she just napped longer than usual. Sigh..
I'm gonna go do some anatomy lab homework and try to stop waiting for the phone to ring.