After this, there will be no more university entrance exam rants. Maybe I'll actually write interesting things for a change.
But today has been unusually eventful, so I'm going to share it with you guys (you guys = the two people who read my journal).
So, June 3rd, the birthday of my dog Sani and my friend Sini, The Exam Day Of Doom.
Basically, I was freaking out all over the place yesterday, so I only slept for two hours last night. Oops. Probably not the smartest/healthiest/etc. thing to do, but I always get these freak-out episodes at night and I just have to study. Even if I'm too tired to see the words. Oops again.
But, strangely enough, I wasn't tired at all when I woke up at 7 AM (went to bed at 4, fell asleep around 5). So that was nice. I couldn't eat breakfast and I had horrible stress pains, but I managed to stay alive. My mum had to take me to the university because I always get lost. It was kind of embarrassing, but at least we found the damn place.
So there I was, with hundreds of other people, looking around like a scared squirrel and tugging at the sleeves of my shirt. It wasn't completely awful.
I saw a familiar face. That face belonged to this one guy who went to my high school. Me and my friends tried to avoid him back then because he's kind of... weird, and not in a good way. I was never mean to him, I just tried to stay out of his way because there is actually a level of weird that's just too weird, even for me.
So, obviously, he was there. I tried to disappear into the cracks in the floor, but he saw me anyway. Here is a kind-of-adequate translation of our conversation:
The Guy: *talking to his friend (who had a very questionable beard/moustache/thing)* Hey, it's Venla. *friend leaves (nice one, Mr. Questionable Beard)*
Me: *waves awkwardly, trying to get away*
The Guy: So you're here, too.
Me: Yep.
The Guy: How are you doing?
*Awkward Level: 4/10*
Me: Ehm, well, I'm trying not to panic. Ehehe.
The Guy: Hmm, yep.
Me: Yep.
*Awkward Level: 5/10*
The Guy: *asks me random things about my friend Tomi*
Me: *replying to random questions*
The Guy: How did your finals go last year? How many L's? (L being Laudatur, which is the highest grade in high school final exams over here)
Me: One.
The Guy: Oh?? Which subject?
Me: Umm. Well, uh, English.
*Awkward Level: 10/10*
Me: I'm... sorry?
The Guy: *silence*
Me: *hoping for a lightning or a cartoon piano falling from the sky*
The Guy: Pheeew. My genes are totally great, but one thing I don't like is my panic disorder.
Me: *the awkwardest laugh ever in the history of ever*
The Guy: *breathes really loudly*
So yeah, not so much fun. But then the exam started and I got away from The Guy.
I have no idea how the exam went. My mind went kinda blank right after it, like it always does after exams. Maybe it went great, maybe terribly badly, I don't know. I get the results in July, so I'm just gonna have to wait now.
I sat on this concrete thingy near the university for a while, doodling on my papers. The wind kept lifting my skirt up and I think I managed to get a sunburn on my neck (hooow?!), but it was really nice anyway. Just me and my mp3 player (which I dropped and kind of broke later in the afternoon. Oops 3.) and a piece of paper. This is what I drew. I was surrounded by buildings, what can I say.
Then I went to get myself a new passport, since my old one is, well, old. And I need one because I'm going to Sweden on Thursday :) I hate my passport picture, though. I don't know how I manage to make my face look like that :P
Then I went shopping with my friend Sini because we needed to get a gift for our friend Tomi who graduates from high school tomorrow. We bought three disgusting horror movies that I would never watch even if someone paid me. And I also ended up buying Adventureland, because hello Jesse Eisenberg. I really can't stand Kristen Stewart at all (not just because of Twilight, I just generally dislike her as an actress) but I figured Adventureland is an important part of my ridiculous Jesse Eisenberg DVD collection, so I bought it. It felt all kinds of wrong to buy a Jesse movie and a disgusting horror thing from the 70's at the same time.
We also went to this awesome bookstore. I bought Aron Ralston's autobiography Between a Rock and a Hard Place because I really wanted to read that one after I saw the movie, and I also bought The Facebook Effect because apparently I read books about Facebook now even though I'm not even on Facebook. Thank you, The Social Network. Stupid life-ruining movie. I was flipping through that book last week in the bookstore and I decided I wouldn't buy it because that would be ridiculous, but now it's in my bag, so.
Also bought loads of different kinds of paper and stuff from Presento (my favourite shop ever), because I have some graduation cards to make. I have to go to three graduation parties tomorrow, so yeah. I'll be making cards for the rest of the night, because that's how I spend my Friday nights. Rock on ;)
It's been an exhausting day, but I have ice cream so it's all gooood. ♥