Dec 14, 2011 23:15
♦ I turned 21 on Tuesday (yay, St.Lucia's Day). There was a lot of Christmas-related stuff to do, so I didn't really have time for my annual "Oh my god, I'm [insert number] years old and I've never even [insert list of things]" crisis. I'm sure it'll happen soon, though. Oh, and a huge thank-you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday. ♥
♦ Aghghkjlhjl, I'm going to London on Friday. Which means I have to finish my sorry excuse for a TSN Secret Santa fic today or I won't make it (tomorrow I'll be too anxious to do anything, because, ugh, flying). WHAT IS LIFE. Why didn't I start writing in October D:
♦ Did I say this was whining-free? Pfft.
♦ I just saw a video where Fernando Torres plays football with Justin Bieber. How do these things even exist.
♦ Got my pronunciation exam results. 5 is the best, I got a 4. I know it's a good grade, but now I'm like WHAT DID I DO WRONG. Plus, the teacher is always all "Oh, but if you don't get this one phoneme right, then the native speakers won't understand you", which, what. I used to have an Australian best friend and she understood me just fine, so get off my case why don't you.
♦ All the lovely comments on the Holiday Love Meme made me so emotional. I love you all. ♥♥♥
♦ There shall be loads of pictures when I get back from London. I'll take my laptop with me -- so me and Sini can watch Rio (FINALLY!!!) in our hotel room at night or something -- which means I might be lurking around LJ even when I'm in London /nerd. But I won't be posting anything while I'm there (unless we get trapped in the hotel room or something, in which case I'll probably post several HELP MEEEE entries).
life: travel,
life: i have one,
i need sleep