Fortune Cookie

Sep 24, 2013 14:25

A fortune cookie I've saved for a while says "The rubber bands are headed in the right direction". Perhaps something was lost in translation?

Anyway, I made a to do list today.  "Things I want to do someday".  One item was journal.

Another was write a list of all the unusual things my neighbors' children have thrown over the fence.  That would be just to amuse ourselves and to keep if we ever had to testify in court.

Another was write a blog about all of the hobbies I become passionate about for 6-9 months or more.  So one year my blog would be about scrapbooking.  18 months later it would be a knitting journal. Then it would be about yoga.  Later, it would be about cooking and changing my family's diet.  Currently it would be about training for a 10k race, a triathalon, dreaming about running a half marathon.  Who knows what it would be about 14 months from now.  You'll just have to follow and find out. ;)

I recently read a David Sedaris book, Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls. What a funny, laugh-out-loud book!  I liked it because here is someone crazier than me!  Anyway, David writes and journals and chronicles his life and conversations he overhears, random musings then turns them into stories. People read them and laugh and buy his books. He makes a very nice living.  Hmmm...

That's another thing my blog will be about- reading.  It all started on LJ. I was LJ-ing before social media was cool.  I started my Live Journal in what 2004, 2005.  Facebook was in its infancy then, before Grandmothers and corporations had a Facebook page. 50bookchallenge was a page I belonged to.  There were years I really did read 50 books. This year I returned to it and I'm on book 35.

So the fortune cookie says the rubber bands are headed in the right direction.  The time is right for good things, new things.

It's Fall.  Always a time of new beginnings for me.

P.S. Just read my last entry from 2011.  I DO NOT HAVE RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS!!!  Great, right?!  I have osteoarthritis.  Old Bones arthritis that everyone gets.  I just got it sooner.  And I run!  And I am 40 lbs smaller than I used to be.

The magic of journaling......

brain dump, new year, writing, reading

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