012 | [Action/Voice]

Apr 10, 2011 00:35

[ It hasn't so much been Chouji's favorite week in Luceti. There's something to be said for getting picked up and dropped off by scientist robots with no idea what happened in between and all. Memory issues leave a general unsettled feeling in their wake, make things seem a little unsteady. And he's been feeling a little bit off in general otherwise, too- but as far as he knows, it's just him getting worked up and psyched out over no big deal. Nothing really hurts, he's been eating normally, chakra production's been fine...

It still bothers him, really: but it's not like there's all that much he can do about it, either. So he made an executive decision of sorts to not be noticeably bothered by things- being worried when nothing has really happened just makes for stress for all involved.

Routine, therefore, is key. Off-kilter or not, it's stopped raining and Chouji never takes issue with heading out for a walk to town; nothing outside of the usual food and supply run, but fresh air is fresh air. From there, it's just back to the Ninjapartment in CH 1 for him. All in all, the start of his day is kind of boring.

Oh. Yeah. :|a ]

[ Filtered to Shikamaru // 70% ]
Need anything from the store while I'm out? [ GAWD, the trouble he goes to for you, man. ]

!voice, a bit of forward-dating, food quest, wat is foreboding, overcast weather hoy, !action, this can only end well

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