Jan 01, 2011 02:19
[ The Plan was to ninja his way from the snowbank a ways north of CH 1 he woke up in to the apartment, where he keeps first aid, cleaner clothes, and food. The Plan was to manage to get cleaned up and focused before hailing anybody about getting back: it's just like getting back in from a bad mission, no big deal. He was going to manage it. Somehow. Eeeeven though the person he'd get in touch with first happens to share the same apartment he'd be ninja-ing to.
...yeah, The Plan lacks a lot of finesse, which makes sense because he's never been much of a strategist even on a good day. Chouji opts not to embarrass himself with it and changes it to getting set up at a nice nearby tree until he's ready to make the trek back to his building. He'll be sporting dark circles under his eyes and a typically uncharacteristic air of wariness today- his rarely spotted Competent Inner Ninja is insisting that he shouldn't get too comfortable, and who is he to disappoint it?
At least he doesn't have trouble bypassing the majority of the journal-chatter. ]
Aa...it's pretty quiet out here, isn't it. [ A pause that is almost hesitation, and the second statement has more of a specific direction to it: ] I'll be getting back soon.
((ooc: meanwhile, the mun will sleep, having tossed this up before she could forget to do so.))
not the best of days,
s'all good,
you know who you are,
a bit of forward-dating,
happy new year