003 | [Action/Voice]

Sep 22, 2010 07:59

[ Chouji happens to know what day it is, and so at some point today he gets ready and leaves the apartment, the very picture of a man with a mission.

That being to collect the proper supplies for his best friend's birthday. No party decorations or public announcements since Shikamaru is, well, Shikamaru and likely to try logic-ing his way out of such an event on a technicality; but at the very least there is going to be cake and dinner and maybe a gift if he can find anything, and that is not negotiable.

So if you happen to be around town today, there is a large ninja making the rounds to stock up. It's... fully possible he'll duck into non-bakery, non-item store places of business to get a minute out of the rain. ]

[ And then at some point after dripping back into the apartment, sounding generally amused: ] --pretty bad out there.

Naruto, Shino; you guys should come over later. We can all eat together. [ What could possibly go wrong, right? :| ]

~shino, ~shikamaru, too wet out for chips? nooo, community ninja building, !action, happy technical birthday, !voice, power of ~friendship~, ~naruto, he has priorities

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