S:"Thank you for trying to make me smile. Not today." M:"You never know."

Nov 19, 2009 10:21

do you remember that scene? <3
Michael leaves, dropping an origami flower on Sara’s desk while her back is turned. She notices it, picks it up and smiles.
So cute!
The first time we saw the origami flower <3
I miss them! When she smiled watching the flower, one of the best MiSa moment, don't you think?
I found this on ebay, now it's gone! someone have it soon at his/her home! It's strange!!! :)
I would like to have it!

source: : http://cgi.ebay.com/PRISON-BREAK-SARAS-SCREEN-USED-ORGAMI-FLOWER-SET_W0QQitemZ160377155248QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item2557392eb0

(Maybe... the link doesn't work, because there are new stuff for this week. I saw this some days ago. )

It's not a big news, I know. We just have... a little faith right? :) Sarah will come back soon! :)
Hugs for all of you!
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