Nov 25, 2003 18:04
So today I went to the doctor. She said I have a concussion and ordered a CT scan to make sure everythings ok...I hate CAT scans. I had one like 7 years ago, they scared me then and so all the fears came back. But I acted brave and squeezed my eyes shut.
While they were looking at my brain, Sarah was at the dentist checking out her jaw, and she has a dislocated jaw!!! Isn't that horrible? I feel so bad. I guess the Doc said normally you haffta get surgery and stuff, but her's is healing itself! I swear, this has all been God.
Lol, we're putting an ad in the newspaper to see if anyone witnessed the accident so my dad is telling us all not to answer the phone...he says "We don't want to get any whacko's". I have a citation since no one "saw" the bus and this damn guy who stopped to see if we're ok said he saw it and I got his phone number. But now he's saying he didn't see the bus.
They made me take out my piercings for the CT scan and I can't get my freakin septum back in. So I have this freakin 20 gage in right now, but I normally wear a 12. =(
I just want my pain killers so I can sleep!