good weekend _ !

Jan 11, 2004 20:55

new journal picture eh eh? arr. laura c. showed me it from biology.

;friday alex came over and we played a little music and watched an animated the hobbit movie. then the next day we hung around and made a fruity loop for a while then went to the music stores and i got three new cds(four really-antarctica was twodisc for thirteen bucks!) :antarctica, casket lottery-possiblies and maybes, and billy music-midwest index. all very very good. then we ate out at mexican place with my family and then alex and i went to nicks where lee was. then we tranced.

lee left that night and teddy came over and we all slept there then the next morning alex left and nick and i played a little music then nick teddy and i went to volume where they got some cds. then teddy and i went back to teddys and watched some hilarious thing on spike tv with japanese people getting fucked uip on these courses things. so then my mom came and picked me up and i stopped at levis to pick up my amp and he was keyboarding and whatshisface was playing guitar and showed me their song and i joined in on drums and it was a nice touch to the end of my day. then i ate chicken pot pie and im here and my wrist hurts again. im pretty sure its permantly fucked up. oh well.
i really would like to have a significant other. im not only lonely, being like this does wonders for my self esteem. except they are bad wonders. like natural disasters. wonderfully distructive.

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