(no subject)

Sep 28, 2007 13:05

Guess who this is...

Why is it that ever time I do a celebrity drawing that I'm semi-proud of, I come to find that some other talented artist did the same drawing a week before me? I guess thats why you should avoid drawing celebrities. Drawing unknown subjects, however, encourages people to just walk past your art. Its hard to tell how accurate a portrait is when you don't know what the subject really looks like.

I have an account at www.lastfm.com. Add me to your friends if you have it? My username is weeziegray.

The mono has been doing better, but I came to find that my medicine has penicillin in it. Which I'm allergic to. Yesterday I broke out in an itchy rash all over my body (and face!), and its still there.

I'm buying a ticket to see Patrick Wolf in Ferndale at The Magic Bag on October 8th. If you're interested we can go together. Greg, Caryn, Corban, and Jon are planning on going as well, but nobody has gotten tickets yet. I would buy tickets for people, but I haven't worked in two weeks and am quite broke. They are cheap though, so I don't think the $12 will kill me.
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