Jul 03, 2006 23:22
I'm back!
Usually I am a big fan of Scottsdale. It has provided me with a good education, a wonderful job, and now a place to call home with my honey. But lately this city of opportunities has been really making me mad.
It's not because of the insane traffic at lunch time or any other time or the fact that the city thought it was a good idea to put cameras up on the 101, that in turn create more accidents. It's not because everyone drives a SUV on 22's or because everyone talks on their cell phone while they drive.
It's because on Frank Lloyd Wright there is no U-turns for a two mile stretch. Now that doesn't sound like such a big deal, but when you have drive 2 miles out of your way to make a left turn, then turn around, then drive back, it gets pretty annoying. Add that factor of no u-turns plus the other annoyance's of scottsdale and you have one unhappy beka.
I can't wait until Brandon makes millions so we can just live in North Scottsdale and my chauffeur can drive me around or better yet how about Fitch moves the company to the East Valley. I think the first will happen before the second.