(no subject)

Jul 30, 2005 03:38

The new Opeth CD Rocks... beyond all hell.

That's pretty much all I can say, and yes, I am actually updating my "LJ."

But anyhow.. August 30th, the CD is to be released.. and I am going to
Get it as soon as it hits the shelves.. not kidding. The version I
have is only the promo, and from the 8 songs on it... I need more.

God damn it's worse than crack. I am truely addicted to Opeth. :(

But who didn't know that?


Now let's get to how i've been a of late. Pretty damn good. I've been
playing alot of Airsoft with old friends of mine, a match is coming up
thursday, I believe. 4v4. If anyone's interested on joinin', leave a
comment. :P It'll be sweet as hell to get a 5v5, or a 6v6. That'd rock.
And I think we have enough guns for at least a 6v6.

I'm gonna be getting some as well, reaaaal soon. Got my eyes on a very nice
USP for a mere 30 bucks. Gas operated and has blowback features (Barrel
slide cocks back after every shot.) My god.. if I can get two if these
bastards i'd be unstoppable..

Other than Airsoft.. the usual. Guitar every day, Video games, hangin'
out with Chris and Brooke. Ahh.


I don't know how often i'm going to keep this updated, but I figured I
might as well put some more words in here seeing as it exists. :P
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