(no subject)

Jul 31, 2005 13:14

So I hung out with my sister yesterday. It was fun. I got to hang out with her cool bel air friends. I felt special because they were seniors when I was a freshman, I totally felt cool. Yeah, so Slylier was there... haha funny story but in a nut shell I've had a crush on him since I was 6. I'm not being over dramatic either. It turns out that he was seeing this girl....:::heart crushing:::... but then I realized that I am way prettier than her... it made me feel better. Plus what if (in my dreams) he actually asked for my number, and we did go out or something.... then my crush would be no more... either it would turn into a mutual feeling or it would die. I've had this crush for over 12 years, it wouldn't be fun anymore. I couldn't see him on myspace and be like....OMG! or I couldn't push my sister in to calling him for me anymore...That is the one thing I am really really over girly about, being a girl is fun... plus it is just kinda heart breaking seeing something for 12 years just go away. There goes all my fun. So I'll (like I have control over it) keep it as a cruch...plus he's moving away for hockey. But on an up side....A set of twins asked for my number and white guy did as well. Very flattering. That is all I got on that note...

So I got an email saying... "what the hell is your problem?" So I replyed if you have a problem with me talk to me... I don't want to do the fighing over the internet thing... and this is what I get back.

"Way to sound like the mature one. The comments on Sip's page, the way you act in front of people...shit, the way you treat people...it is horrible. If you aren't the center of attention then, you do anything and everything in your power to make yourself the center. You aren't really that nice, you aren't really that funny, and I'm tired of the way you treat people. I was so worried about making sure I was nice to everyone and got along with everyone, that I put up with all of this for way too long. I'm done tolerating it and you can do what ever you want. I don't care anymore"

So I hate drama... I wish it would die. I don't want to put up with it... such a waist of time... energy and blah blah blah. It does make me laugh.
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