(no subject)

Nov 03, 2004 17:52

So Bush won the election. I still don't think that he is the right man for the job. We are headed for another year of no progress and losing lives in an endless war. The moment it was announced that Kerry conceded my whole class was like "sorry Jessica the anti-christ lost". Anti-christ? um okay, I thought he was Catholic. Just because he beleives that ppl should have the desicion on what to do with their own minds and bodies, he is the anti-christ. Sorry, I don't see that logic. Even though the election is over there are still some things that bother me. Like alot of the ppl at school who are for Bush and don't know why. Mostly they're for Bush b/c their parents are for Bush. That annoys me the most. They ask me why I am for kerry and I tell them why. I ask them why they are for Bush and they say b/c he is a republican. If I ask what a republican is and what they want and beleive, they can't tell me. How do you know you want a republican to be the leader of your country if you don't even know what it means to be republican? So if you are ignorant to these things do not start a debate with me because you will lose. I know the facts, i did my research, I can back up my choice and opinions. If you can't do the same, sit back, respect my opinion and I'll do the same for you. It's really that simple.
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