Jun 23, 2008 10:00
God, this is the most stressful job I've ever had. Its fucking worse than Fashion Shop. I mean okay, Ari did give me another hour off, but that really doesn't make up for the fact that my campers are the loudest, most obnoxious, defiant kids on camp. I swear to god. Like last night I almost lost it at one girl because she kept bitching and bitching and bitching about how her flip flop was all broken and m,uddy even though I fixed it and she was crying and screaming and I just wanted to yell at her. Then theres this other girl in my cabin who like has a total attitude problem but you're not supposed to tell her that, and she doesn't listen either. I actually had a dream last night that I slapped her because she was being racist (she isn't, don't worry).
And the girls are totally bipolar. One minute they're total bitches, the next they're all nice. Sometimes, I really think about just quitting. But that's not an option because I'm committed to this place and my dad would be super pissed. But other times, I'm just like "Man why would I think about that?" In truth, it is a great job. I'm lucky to have two hours off (I actually use one to help the office secretary sort mail) and I get paid to just do camp shit all day. But still, sometimes my girls' bullshit really pisses me off.
BTW George Carlin died. T.T
How are you?