Has it been long enough since I wrote an entry?

Dec 22, 2004 22:48

Man, don't break promises to your friends, cause as Michaela and I learned tonight, sometimes, keeping your word can pay off...heh.

Matt is Napoleon Dynamite: "I'm aloud to say guys are hot, gosh!"

A bunch of us were predicting everyone's future today. Jane predicted that in 10 years I will be living in Europe with "THE HOTTEST BOYFRIEND EVER" and I will have a different husband in every country, and I will own a museum or something. Sounds pretty good to me. Patrick said I would be a groupie. Gee, thanks. Sticking it to the man looks to be in my future.

Ehh my throat is killing me. Now I sound like "the love child of Barry White and a pre-pubescent boy."

Ryan said I'm lazy just cause he drove me from Law parking lot to Michaela's car in the movie theatre parking lot after school. Actually, he offered, so that doesn't make me lazy, it just makes me resourceful. The fact that I'm lazy makes me lazy.

"My pants are okay."

We went to the art show tonight. It was quite...interesting. Oh the irony. Then we had a miscommunication problem with Bekah, but it was taken care of.

And it only took 6 hours for us to almost get arrested for having "SUPER GAY SEX MACHINE" etched on the back windshield.
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