Sep 30, 2005 08:52
List 20 RANDOM things about yourself and then tag as many people as the minutes it took you to complete this.
1) I Hate working. Period.
2) Skateboarding and my hearse are the only things that are keeping me from blowing my head off right now.
3) In retrospect, quitting Beaudry RV (I.E. The best job I ever had) was a stupid fucking idea.
4) I'm almost positive my parents think I'm gay.
5) I miss school.
6) Dr. Pepper is the necter of the gods.
7) I want more tattoos.
8) I frequently contemplate joining the army, then I jsut bang my head on the edge of a desk and everythings ok again.
9) I cant shake the feeling that I'm not going to amount to shit
10) I'm going to be the alcoholic guy struggling to pay rent and eat while all of you grow up and have families and such.
11) I'm going to be the guy calling you wanting to know if you want to go party on a week night because I have a night off from my shitty ass job at a fucking conveinence store.
12) Everyone else is going to be doing what they want to do and be happy with their lives while im sitting in a shitty apartment hoping I accidentally left the gas on.
I'm over this fucking thing.