Apr 06, 2006 10:08
heyy everybody. im here in iowa with liam and caitlin. hellllaaa long drive like almost 5 hours bc liam and i got alittle lost which was unfortunate, but then liam looked at the map and we found our way back where we were supposed to be.its 10:10 and liam and caitlin are still sleeping. caitlin decided not to go to her lecture. bad caitlin. its nice weather here.
they have this daily paper called The Daily Iowan and Marty Schousboe is on the cover, him and some friends are making a spoof of 'The O.C." and theyre calling it "The H.P." for honor students or something. you can see it if u go to www.reallyreallynice.com he has some other stuff that is really funny besides the H.P. ok see yall later!