So many extraordinary people are creating beautiful things in an effort to do something to help Haiti recover.
omnisti and I are concocting something. Other movers and shakers (and founders) of this community are hard at work on wonderful surprises, or are already making noise and raising funds, getting funds where they need to go in order to do the most good.
Today a beautiful soul whom I have not yet been blessed to meet posted
her own beautiful offering, her own brilliant fundraising idea.
There's a great story attached to it.
tsubaki_ny is, like many of us here, a wonderful storyteller. Please go and experience her words, and buy a shirt or a mug if you can. Just as good: donate to one or another of the charitable organizations she mentions.
From her
"I’m nobody. I’m not a spokesperson. I’m not brave, I don’t have any “nobility of suffering,” and I don’t have any lessons to teach anybody -- I don’t even know that I’ve properly conveyed here what I’m trying to say. I’m just an American woman in a safe place, looking on, waiting for payday so I can give a few dollars to a few organizations and beyond that, I don’t really know what to do.
So in the interim,
I, uh, made a shirt.
The text reads: "TODAY, I AM HAITIAN" in Kreyòl. (Smaller text reads "Today, we are all Haitian" in French and English.) All proceeds are going to OXFAM America (For the benefit of anyone who doesn’t know me from Adam or Eve: I’ve gotten CafePress to put the organization's name, not mine, directly on the checks. So, no shenanigans here. :-D Alternatively, you can give directly: Please consider sending a donation by check to: Oxfam America, Haiti Earthquake Response Fund, P.O. Box 1211, Albert Lea, MN, 56007-1211. Other good methods for giving: go to,, or There is also
ADRA International (Adventist Development and Relief Agency). Be sure to select "Haiti Earthquake Relief" on these websites if that's specifically where you want your money to go. They're going to need it for a long time yet.)"
Go and
read the whole story.
Thanks, everyone.
My surgery anniversary has come and gone.
So far my 2010 has been full of awesome.
May this continue to be so, and if it isn't so for you and yours right now, may that turn around quickly.
Thank you all again.