Mar 23, 2006 21:07
Yeah this hasn't been much of a spring break. I'm staying with michelle f on west point...which is way kewl...cuz here and there i get to see a cadet...and most are pretty hot! but whateves...whats ruining my spring break is being in NP fri (12-4), sat(12-6), tues (12-5), wed (12-7:30), & today (12-6)...and i'm gonna have to be there sat (12-7) and sun (2-6) too...and ethan is saying that this is a lenient rehersal...i'm glad i'm not in his cast...just stage manager...whatevs...two more weeks and this is over and i dont have to deal w it...then itz just the real world...oh god...start. hyperventalating. NOW. OI VE...good lord am i scared to graduate...but i soo need to get away from some ppl...EW whatever i'm done...I just wish i coulda seen my sisters over this break! eh sux.
and now spring break is almost over and i've spent more time in the black box then anyone would want to on their week off...oh well time to move on