Pushy Questions For...Joan Rivers

Feb 21, 2008 22:20

Posted: Fri., Feb. 15, 2008

Joan Rivers, who scripted and stars in “Joan Rivers: A Work in Progress by a Life in Progress,” running through March 30 at the Geffen Playhouse in Westwood

Book I’m reading:
The 83rd anniversary edition of “Mein Kampf” with an introduction by Mel Gibson.

Who do you think is the best actor in Hollywood at the moment? (male or female)
Katie Holmes for her portrayal of Mrs. Tom Cruise.

Who do you think was the brightest star of the silver screen?
Dakota Fanning. Until she got old.

If you could play any real-life person in a movie, who would it be and why?
Michael Jackson. We’re both into younger guys.

Who do you look to for inspiration?
King Tut. He’s managed to stay so well preserved for more than 3,000 years.

Concert that changed your life:
Cher’s 19th farewell tour.

Guilty pleasures:
* Film: “The Picture of Dorian Gray”
* Reading material: National Enquirer
* Web sites: JoanRivers.com
* YouTube video: Any celebrity meltdown

Best hangover remedy?
Looking at myself naked in a mirror. Sobers you right up.

What's the biggest upside of the Internet and what is its biggest downside?
Upside? No need to sneak into porn theaters wearing a trench coat. Downside? No need for my trench coat.

What advice would you give to someone trying to break into your profession?

Do you have a dream project?
“Botox: The Musical”

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