I suck at studying.

Oct 05, 2010 13:42

1. Are you smiling?
neg. which means i probably look mad

2. Have you ever kissed anyone named Josh?
ha. a time or 2.

3. What is irritating you now?
Nothing really. I just want this day to fast forward!!

4. When did you last eat pizza?
Um... Saturday at a work meeting

5. Have you ever been camping?
Yes! <3

6. Do you have any friends who are famous?
ha. im related to the pirate, Sir Francis Drake...

7. Are you any good at poker?
dont even know how to play

8. What do you want?
Endless money

9. Are you tired?
a little. the nap chairs at school are mighty tempting...

10. Do you like anyone?
i think so. not entirely sure

11. Can you play the piano?
Nope :( I was supposed to take lessons when I was younger but my teacher canceled before my first lesson. I'm still bitter

12. Do you ever throw up?

13. Do you pee in public?
um. In bathrooms yes. but im not going to just pop a squat in the middle of a park...

14. Do you enjoy piercings and tattoos?
I like piercings on me and tattoos on other people

15. Taco Bell or McDonald's?
T-bell if i have to choose. but all that stuff hurts my belly :(

16. Last thing you said??
i dont even remember. something to my mom i think.

17. What are you wearing?
jeans. sweater. undies. bra. socks. moccs. tank

18. How many abercrombie shirts do you own?

19. How many Myspace views do you have?
more than you.

20. Do you want to be a princess?
i already am.

21. Do you believe dreams come true?

22. Last song you heard?
haha creed is playing on my itunes. suck.

23. Do you like Batman?
I really could not care less.

24. Who is in the room with you?
strangers at school. except randomly seeing a girl i used to ride with next to me. weird.

25. What are you wearing on your feet?
socks and moccs!

26. What is your favorite pair of shoes?

27. Who was the last person you told you loved them?
idk. Shelbi maybe... i  dont usually use it in everyday conversation.

28. What was the last thing you ate?
Sesamea chicken. mmmm

29. What were you doing before this?
Studying for my brit lit exam. boo

30. What is the closest item near you that is black?
my sweater is on me.

31. Who instant messaged you last?
um. abby?

32. Whose house did you go to last?
My sister, Karins

33. What do you wear more, jeans or sweatpants?
Jeans. Sweats are not appropriate for public.

34. What is the last movie you watched?
Some of harry Potter

35. Why are you taking this survey?
Because studying is for suckas

36. Do your friends ever tell you to stop taking surveys?
no. they dont give a shit.

37. Ever been to QuizPox.com?

38. Where are your parents?
Workin workin workin

39. Where did you get the pants you're wearing?
American Eagle

40. Coach Purse or MLB game tickets?
MLB game tix

41. Where was your default MySpace picture taken?
i dont even know what it is

42. Why did you pick your background?
because brandon boyd makes me wanna lala

43. Who are you currently texting?
Matty b!

44. Are you happy with where you are?
I guess so.

45. Is cheating ever ok?
eh. I dont want to get into it.

46. Do you burn candles?
mm. yes. they smell good.

47. Are you happy with yourself?
fo sho!

48. What was your entire schedule today?
School. lunch. school. horses. study. cuddle time :)

49. Do you want something you can't have?
Nah. im good

50. What makes you smile the most?
anything. I think everything is funny.
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