im crossing bridges that i thought i burned down years ago..

Jan 14, 2008 00:09

man,  life is weird.
people are weird.
but  yeah. i've had an enjoyable week/weekend.
thursday rachel was able to guest list me at 930 to see every time i die & dillenger escape plan
im not gunna lie. i enjoyed those two bands a lot. etid is like my guiltiest pleasure at the moment.
oh well. the singer and drummer are totally foxy. i dressed pretty ridiculously & i got hit on by random dudes, which was silly. and rachel and i danced around. so it was overall really fun.
friday after work i headed to timmy's house and then we went to david's in college park
birthing nets, bad leutent, whoarfrost & the flying eyes played
& people got drunk
it was silly. but i got to hang with friends & such
saturday was the artspace show that timmy booked
i got there kinda early and timmy & i hung out with the needlegun kids & ate some pizza
 i sat door & listened to the bands from upstairs which was enjoyable
although i watched needlegun and they ruled.
while sitting upstairs erin and i saw a rat! and it put me in shock. i didnt know what to do
but it scurried away to the stairwell.
there were lots of bands but whoarfrost and birthingnets sounded awesome again
after we cleaned up and such we went to papermoon
where i made a terrible order & my mouth burned off.
oh well, both of these nights i got home way too late and had bad nights of sleep followed by terrible headaches.
today i woke up and went home to find no one around except my sleeping mother
i watched degrassi till she woke up (she worked all night)
then i ate soooo much food. & i think i kinda need to diet &/or get back into my excerise routine...
i came back to my apartment & watched rock of love 2.
it was pretty wacky. so far the girls are not as stange as the season before.. i guess we'll seeee.
then we visited jeff and them for a while.
yeah. this entry pretty much was a deturent for me doing my hw
DAMNIT! i need to work! & this is long, i appologize. :)
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