(no subject)

Nov 08, 2009 18:20

The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:
The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
Numbers 6:24


The rather trivial affair of the A Levels aside (I am so going to have retribution come on my head for saying this), I just hope that some of the cynicism some seem to have toward the educational system won't ruin their memories of school life. It's not worth throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Also, about the accolade-giving, and favouritism on the part of the education system, and whatnot: all these credits, and positions, and certification - where does it lead one to? A prestigious scholarship, a prestigious overseas school, a good, steady, highly-paid job. Yet is it the only path to the same end? Is it even a path to the best end- will one alleviate poverty? find happiness? know more friends? And, despite all the flaws in the system, the very best still get the very best treatment; perhaps some excellent people are ignored, or some less-than-excellent people are picked out, but things even out in the end (one could do a statistical test, haha); everyone makes mistakes.

Why am I saying all this? In the hope that people can leave this school happy. I have made mistakes, I am still terribly and dreadfully displeased about how I have handled the disaster I caused, and there has been lots of meanness and unhappiness, and I have not always been as good a person as I have wanted to be, but I hope we can have more-than-pleasant memories - more than memories, actually - tangible effects we can pack into our emotional portmanteaus as we leave the finger-post behind.

Overall, I'd give my performance in JC a C, a Fair rating. There are moments I'd give myself a big tick and draw (or stamp) a star, and my Introduction promised an A, but - things do happen.

To sum up:
Let us love nobly, and live, and add again
Years and years unto years, till we attain
To write threescore; this is the second of our reign.
John Donne, The Anniversary
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