Am I still alive? I think so =)
It has been a bit since I've updated this. Well I know the question your all asking(and by all I mean the few people that know about this), what is Matt thinking?
Not much. I found a website that helps people deal with sexual sins called . If your not open to talk about certain things(like pornography) you'll want to if you go there. I've been posting there(giantsfan) and getting and giving advice.
Today was HOT!!!!!!!! as anyone in So Cal knows. Coming home from school I saw 95!!!! can you believe it. Enjoy it you who like it hot(you know who I'm talkin to) cuz fall and winter is upon us(my weather baby).
Wow I just realized I haven't logged on to Msn since like the 10th or 11th of September. Hmmmm I guess once I stopped having it open on start up, i just don't think about it.
I'm not really feeling anything other than the usual stuff(which makes it sound like I feel nothing) but it's not like "Oh my gosh, there's this girl and she's so hot and she said hi to me and I'm like" or "I am so depressed. No one likes me. I'm all alone with no one to be with" not that those emotions are bad just like one of my earlier posts says, I have emotional stability. Obviously once I get into another relationship, the highs and lows will return but right now, pretty smooth. I don't mind a little rocky though ;) Those dreams have stopped though(although know I had some but literally can;t remember any of the details.
I just realized to give ALL my problems to God. Not just the big things. Wrried about a test...give it to God. Late for school...God. Not to whine and complain about it saying how unfair life is.
Oh I couldn't post today without mentioning the Angels White Sox play last nite. The more I watch it, the more it looks like he caught the ball. But it was Josh Paul's fault for not taggin him. I'm just a little mad(grrrrr) that Atlanta didn;t make it...18 fricken innings wow. I kida wish God was a Braves fan lol =)
B a W and I must say, it really wasnt worth 2 years. I was expecting it to be liek Rome Total War in my devotion to it but no not really.
Well, if you want to know anymore, just ask or wait until i post agayne =)