information post

Sep 16, 2020 21:47

I wanted to know the world that was outside of the well.
So I tried hard to get out from the bottom of the well.

I wanted to know the world that was outside of the well.
So I climbed up countless times, despite falling down over and over again.

But then I realized it:
"The higher and higher I climb, the more it hurts when I fall down again to the bottom of the well."

When my longing for the world outside the well began to equal the pain of falling...
That was when I finally understood the meaning of Der Froschkönig.

-Frederica Bernkastel


general information

Because of circumstances in his world that were interrupted when he was brought to the Island, Silver and his Pokémon are not entirely grounded in the Island’s reality. The best way to describe it is that he halfway doesn’t exist. Some days, he’s almost real; others, he barely exists at all. Those sensitive to the flows of time, reality, and distortion will find him a bit of an eyesore, as his flow of time is a snarled mess. Similarly, those who sense things in electronic and programs would be able to see that Silver’s “code” is badly corrupted and damaged. Silver does his best to keep himself as grounded as he can in reality as he can by counting seconds, minutes, and hours.

However, no matter how focused he is, Silver will never appear to be real under his own power. He quite literally seems to flicker in and out of existence. His flickering can range from minimal to very bad, depending on how tightly a grip he has on reality. (If you are having a hard time picturing what this would look like, you can take a look at his userpics or read the comic his character was inspired by. If you don’t have a Pixiv account, you can also look at it here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.)

Silver is not entirely corporeal: while he can interact with inanimate objects if he focuses, he cannot directly interact with anything animate, such as people and Pokémon outside of his own. If your character tried to touch him or his Pokémon, they would not be able to feel a living body in the space where he exists: all they would feel is a weak electric current, like if they touched an old computer or television screen. This is something that is very painful for Silver, as it disrupts his focus and distances him even further from reality. He avoids it when he can.

The exception to this is when he is around the random_reset from his world. When Silver is interacting with Gold, he is physically real. His glitchedreset has also been seen to have power over Silver’s reality.

As his mood fluctuates (which is often) and he loses his focus, Silver’s voice will distort. It depends on ḩ̡̼̟̪̣͎͕̥ǫ͟҉͍̫͔̥w̝ͅ ̦̪b̙̞a͚͍͍̣͓̠͉͡͞ͅd̴͇̙͇̝̠̤͇͞l̶̢͙͜y͖͎̲̭͇͍͘̕͞ ̨̡̠̣o̩͚͚f̘̝͇͔͜f̶͔̳͈̮͉́͟ 01101000 01100101 00100111 01110011 00100000 01100100 01101111 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101001 01101101 01100101 00101110. This most commonly happens when he is upset, but it’s also known to happen when something happens to amuse him.

Finally, Silver is surrounded by a constant stream of static, which will pop, crack, and hiss as his mood sours (which is very often) and he loses his grip on reality.


What is wrong with Silver?

He isn’t real. He sort of half-exists in normal reality, mostly because he is too stubborn to let himself disappear. What this means is that he is sort of like a living “ghost” - he cannot touch living things, but he can interact with non-living things if he’s focused enough. He focuses on reality by counting seconds, minutes, and hours.

Why isn’t he real?

He was brought to the Island when his world was going through a strange phenomenon that Silver refers to as a reset.

What is a reset?

A reset is when time is quite literally reset back to a fixed point in time. A reset can be either “soft” or “hard.”

A “soft” reset sets time back within a twenty-four hour period.

On the other hand, a “hard” reset sends time back to the day random_reset received his first Pokémon from Professor Elm. Silver was brought to Awesome Island in the middle of a hard reset.

Why is time being reset?

Because Gold has a subconscious desire to do things over.

Does this mean that Gold is the cause of time being reset?

Yes. However, Gold has no idea that he’s doing this.

How does the power of the reset work?

When Gold resets, he is quite literally warping time, space, and reality around him to suit his own subconscious desires.

Where did Gold learn how to reset?

He didn’t “learn” how to. It just sort of happens. Right now, he is not aware of this and has no control over what’s happening.

Well, then, where did he get this power?

[tactical omission]

Does this mean that Gold will be able to reset time on Awesome Island?

No. When Gold resets on Awesome Island, it will only affect the following:

A) People from his world. This currently includes savedover, glitchedreset, rollover_rival, and berryglitched. And, of course, himself.

B) People that he physically touches during the process of the hard reset.

So what will happen when Gold tries to reset on the Island?

Gold will forget things. If he soft resets, he will usually just forget what happens during a conversation. However, a hard reset will send himself, Silver, Blue, and Red “back in time” to the start of Gold’s Pokémon adventure and will also cause Gold to forget everything that has happened on the island. He and Silver will both lose all of their Pokémon, except for new level 5 starters.

Essentially, he turns time back for certain people, including himself but not for the island or its population at large.

Why can’t Gold properly reset on the island?

OOCly, it’s so Gold isn’t godmoding your characters.

ICly, you can think of it because Awesome Island is not part of Gold’s “source code” and it’s written in a programming language he doesn’t understand. If he ever could manage to decode this programming, he could begin to reset the island. However, as the island’s code is constantly changing and Gold does this all subconsciously, this will probably never happen.

Why does Gold’s presence make Silver more real?

Gold has a hard time accepting reality, so he warps it to suit how he thinks it should be. Gold perceives Silver as real, so he warps Silver’s reality to make him real.

So, in summary…

Silver is stuck in a time loop caused by Gold (who can warp reality at home but not on the island) who has no idea what is going on.

How many times has time been reset?

Once he was aware of it, Silver kept track of them. Unfortunately, he eventually stopped counting because it made him feel frustrated and angry. So the answer to this question is "a lot."

However, if your character was somehow able to get their hands on his notebook -- (his record of things he must remember) -- they would find entries of speicies, gender; nature, attribute of 692 different starters. To the left of 496 of these entries, there would be a mark that would indicate to Silver that he had an entire cycle with them.

Why can Silver tell when Gold resets when Gold himself cannot?

Because Gold has had such a profound effect on Silver’s life, Silver eventually got a sense of déjà vu until he started to recognize that the events he was experiencing had happened before. Specifically, during their “first” battle, he wondered to himself what the point was in all of these challenges if he was just going to lose.

After that, he continued to remember pretty much through sheer force of will. Silver is pretty stubborn.

Gold cannot recognize when he resets, because he doesn’t want to admit what’s going on. In fact, only a very few people are aware of the resets.

Who else is aware of Gold's resets?

[tactical omission]

Why doesn’t Silver like sleeping?

Silver, at the very most, has exactly one year to try and find a way to stop Gold from resetting. During that year, he is restricted to working within the limits of a very strict timeline. From his point of view, he only has 365 days, or 8,760 hours, or 525,600 minutes, or 31,536,000 seconds to work within: he can’t afford to waste 2,920 of those hours, or 175,200 of those minutes, or 10,512,000 of those seconds sleeping eight hours a night.

In his opinion, sleeping is a colossal waste of time.

Does Silver know Gold is the cause of the resets?

Yes. This took him a very long time to find out. It’s why he hates his Gold and any other Gold who tries to talk to him.

Why doesn’t he just tell Gold what he’s doing?

He has. Lots of times, actually! Gold has just never believed him, so he gave up on trying.

Is this why Silver is such a moody bitch?


But his whole "not sleeping" thing really isn't helping.


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