SPN: 5.13 icons

Feb 11, 2010 02:33

This is officially my biggest Supernatural icon post, and probably my favorite out of all the batches I've made. The awesomeness of this episode just cried out to me to make as many as possible.

+[The Song Remains the Same] 79 icons





Rules :
free for personal use
Credit me if you use any of them please! :)
Do not edit / claim as yours
Do not hotlink
Comments are encouraged/appreciated - Thank you!

caps thanks to ina_ami

To say this episode was awesome is a total understatement. I poured a lot of my thoughts into a review that iwantpie  wrote, so I hope you won't mind me bringing that in here. It was pretty sad to see what they had done to Anna. I had high hopes for her character in general, then it all just melted away. It was like watching a completely different character in this episode, you know what I mean? I think that's why I wasn't so sad when I saw her go, 'cause it was like she was already gone.

My love for Castiel increased ten fold after this episode. I wanna give him a huge hug. I thought it was so adorable when he said he was Sam's friend, even though you think there's been tension between them before. And it was so hot when he said he would kill her if she would try anything <3 guh. The writers made us extremely happy there.

Man. Did they do an amazing job with the casting for younger Mary and John. They're both so gorgeous, and you really can see them as a younger version of Sam and Dean's parents. It's just shocking. It truly is. My heart just melted when Sam kept giving her the bambi eyes and broke down and told her she was so beautiful <3 Plus his scene with young John was amazing too. I really think Sam deserved to see his parents that way too, and I'm so glad he got the chance.

The ending scene was so adorable too. With Mary saying that Dean was already a little trouble maker and all. And the whole "angels are watching over you" was a perfect ending to an amazing episode.

Oh, and I also took iwantpie 's idea for posting icons. It was definitely another good amount of work making all those little numbered plates. It took a hell of a lot longer to upload these than usual, so my respect for her patience just grew. But hell, I wanted it right? It sure looks nice though.

icons, supernatural

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