i'm alive! sorta.

Mar 15, 2011 02:37

Oh man. I feel like crap. I practically fell off the face of LJ for almost 2 weeks now. Again, I've missed countless entries from you guys, so sorry :( I miss you all SO, SO much <3333 *clings to you all*

I hope you're all doing well. I'm still kinda recovering from being so damn tired. My grandma was with us for about 3 weeks - her last doctor's appointment turned out well, so her next one isn't until next month. Since they gave her that much time, she left back to Mexico this past Saturday - and not to be rude, but it's like a huge weight was lifted right away. The best thing for me was seeing my mom so much more comfortable - we all worried so much when she was here. It was exhausting - physically and emotionally. She just looked depressed all the time, losing weight, not wanting to eat, dragging around as she walked - and with so much of helping her get to her feet, my back was in serious pain the day right before she left. Then there was pressure from other family members - most of them trying to tell us what do with her - constant clashing of thoughts and actions. It's like they thought we were some kind of super family - my mom really can't do much, so with me being at home, I had to do a big chunk of it. Then the other day I heard that now that she was in Mexico, someone noticed she was walking around at a good pace - friggin' aggravating since she hardly even moved here. It all comes down to her being homesick I suppose, but honestly, we were working our asses off, she could have pitched in more herself, or at least TRIED to. My mom worked her ass to cook for her, and most of the time she didn't even want it, or ate very little of it. Now they say she's eating fine. Well fuck. But my sister is worried for her diet - they need to watch what she eats because of her diabetes. She says if she doesn't, she's just gonna end up sick over here again - exactly where she doesn't want to be. Anyway, not to be rude again, but she can stay over there until her next appointment in my opinion. It's better for both us it seems.

UGH. So sorry for the ramble my loves. It's just aggravating as Hell.

Anyway. The good news in all this? I'm an auntie again! My nephew was born this past Thursday, and he's SOOOO cute. This is my brother's second kid - my niece is a few months away from turning 2, and she's just so great. She's at the phase where she wants to learn words and how to pronounce them, so that's really fun/rewarding. My mom left today to help them for a week, so the house will be pretty quiet for now. Just gonna mostly relax, clean the house. Man, I missed hearing my headphones at night.

I've now watched 13 episodes of the first season of White Collar and I'm really enjoying it so far. That's one of the few things I was in the mood for recently. I also just dropped my pen for my drawing tablet the other day, and it broke D: I'M SAD GUYS. We might try to super glue a coil that broke on the inside, but if that doesn't work/ can't be done, then I'm gonna have to get a new one ;__; what an idiot. I've dropped it once before this, but nothing happened, until this time. Well, it's lasted me a little over 2 years now. It spoiled the shit out of me though - I miss drawing with it already. I even used it for graphics. I hope I can get something arranged soon because I had to finish up my last t-shirt design with a mouse - and I was reminded of how much that SUCKS.

ramble ramble, life, white collar

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