SPN 6.12 Review

Feb 07, 2011 01:55

*sings Aerosmith song* Our show is back! Fantastic! I was squealing with joy when it came on. Mostly good thoughts on this episode, so don't worry.

Intro scene is scary.

Looks like Castiel was checking Sam's soul. Sam is unconscious in the panic room and Castiel tells Dean he thinks Sam will never wake up. It's scary how he said that Sam's soul felt like it had been skinned alive, oh god. Remember your own words Cas, Sam and Dean have a way of exceeding your expectations, so don't you forget it, kay?

I just downloaded the episode, and had to rewatch the beginning scene just now. I had my headphones on, and to hear Sam so clearly say "Dean" like that in my right ear *melts* You can tell by the way that Dean looks at Sam, like he's afraid of what he will be able to say or what Sam will do. Let me just say how much I love the soft look in both their eyes. Oh Dean, you wanted to open your mouth and say something, and Sam cut you off so beautifully. THANK YOU SAM FOR CUTTING HIM OFF <3 The way Sam rushed into the hug made me go AWWWW like crazy, and I just melted, and my eyes just swelled up. Dean's pause before he wraps his arms around him too, like he's just in complete shock. So grateful. I heard someone say that Sam was out for 10 days? I must have missed that somewhere because I was so busy crying. And then Sam runs over to hug Bobby too! And it hits me - he doesn't remember anything! And my heart breaks some more. I've read some Bobby hate - not all that harsh, but still. I can't hate Bobby / be angry at him. He has his reasons. I tried to put myself in Bobby's shoes and think about the way Sam must have looked at him before he almost killed him - sure we all know it wasn't SAM, but it was still Sam! I'm not blaming anyone for anything, but I understand Bobby's feeling's completely. And awww, Sammy's hungry! *makes him a sandwich and cuts the crust off*

So, Sam admits it. He can't remember anything after falling in. Death did his job. Also, I love you Dean. I'll never hate you. Or Sam. I know you just want Sam to be Sam, without any more pain. You just want things to stay simple, and easy. It's not a hard thing to understand. And see? No matter how much it bothers Bobby, he doesn't want to hurt Sam either, and he was right. If Sam didn't find out soon, it wouldn't have been pretty. I was so happy to see Sam's enthusiasm to get back in the game - the whole time, I'm  just staring at his eyes! I've missed those soft, caring, puppy eyes so much, it's crazy. It almost feels like Sam never really left, because it just feels so right now. Even though, it's almost been a full ACTUAL year since we've last seen the true Sam. Glad Bobby pulled out from the hunt - not like Bobby would ever come along with them anyway, unless they really needed it.

In the Impala together again, yay!! Also, I was LOVING the new angles in there, did you guys see? It wasn't the usual profile, it was like, from the back seat, set diagonally at both boys. I was squeeing over the gorgeousness. Anyway, so Sam asks Dean if he ever tried -  and honestly, when he first said it, my mind automatically thought of it as Dean trying to get Sam back out. Of course he wouldn't ask that since he told Dean to promise not to - but still. It was my first instinct. So Sam asks if he tried to live the normal life, and I'm glad Dean didn't flat out lie. It truly didn't work out. And of course Dean looks the same, Sammy. He's with you now <3

Sammy! Back to saying please, and thank you's. Oh Dean. I see your adorable smirk there I LOVE YOU. It's just so cute. I wanna squish Sam too! The puppy effect is back in full swing! Sam can work his sweet magic once again. Love that shot of Sam looking at the picture frame <3 EEE Sammy doing research <333 Oh god Jared you make that laptop look so small LOL. "You stole that girl's diary?" "I love how you're worried about that." "What does that have to do with..." "Nothing." <333 All of Dean's comments on the little things, so much love. He still can't believe it. " That sounded so creepy coming out of your mouth." LOOOL. Oh Dean, you " I prefer ladies with experience" *DIES*

Eesh, that girl's wounds are crazy. And also, PFFT at her response. *shakes head* Beautiful shot of the Impala in the parking lot - I love when we can see that angle of her front side, where her shape can truly be appreciated. "What likes gold and virgins?" "P. Diddy." LOOOOL. "A year that I've been gone and you're still not funny." "What are you talking about? I'm hilarious," LOOL OH BOYS. SO GOOD TO HEAR YOU TALK LIKE THAT AGAIN.

Sam is on WoW sites looking up dragons, HEEHEE~ Time to call Bobby. Really like the top shot of Bobby cooking. "Sam's smart." Yeah, and he's on to you guys. He thinks he remembers a hunt, but Dean tries to shut him down as soon as possible. I'm always happy to see the journal being used.

And finally, on to the whole dragon's thing. I was honestly so puzzled when the spoilers appeared that there would be dragons. Dragons? Really? I mean, that's badass and all, but it's not in our usual territory. So the whole time I'm thinking that we're gonna see a full size, actual dragon - scales, claws, wings, the works. Which kinda worried me as to how they would work it out - so once I saw it was part human, it made more sense, though a bit disappointing at the same time. Am I making any sense? LOL. The cool thing? The way his hands would heat up, AWESOME.

Dean heads over to that lady's house, which was such a nice house. And now that I think about it, this season has introduced us to some settings/ environments that I never thought I'd see in Supernatural. I think that's one noticeable difference now that Sera has taken over. Anyway, another gorgeous fish eye shot of Dean as he's looking through the peep hole at the lady's front door <3 Seriously, though. Dean looked so out of place in the house, haha. Very nice place though, seriously. Anyway, lady was interesting - not very shy, was she? P:

The dragon sword! Love how old it looked. "That's not real. It can't be real....is it real?" LOL. And here comes the part where I was rolling on my couch with laughter - Dean trying to pull the sword out of the stone. I LOVE YOU GUYS FOR THAT DYNAMIC SHOT OF HIM STEPPING UP TO IT TO PULL IT OUT. So perfect. And the music <333 *giggles* Oh Jensen, ILU.I couldn't stop laughing even after it was over. I was SO missing out on chunks of dialogue after that, oh god <3 Back to Sam, talking to Bobby. I should have known, huh? Poor Bobby. Sam calls out to Cas for help as a last resort - andddd..he actually appears! I was shocked. I guess it's because he wanted to see if Sam was okay. And OMG I felt SO BAD for Cas!! ;___; haha, you poor, sweet little thing. I can't believe he totally tried to go in for a hug! And Sam totally just - oh man. I went all AWWW again, but in a different way than before. "Yeah..that would have been, awkward." My poor, sweet, Castiel - you deserve a hug too!! *squishes him* And sooo, Cas spills the beans. And honestly, I'm glad Sam found out so soon. But poor Sam - the hurt in his eyes as he tried to compose himself as well as he could finding out like that. Poor Sammy
Dean set up some explosives on the rock! Are you crazy, boy?? LOL " You rocks think you're so smart." Yeah, he's totally lost it. He blows it up, and yup, you IDIOT, you ruined it LOL *facepalm* I thought the lady was gonna smack him, or faint, or something LOL.

Boys in a sewer - for some reason I think it's really cool - maybe cause it reminds me of the Resident Evil games or something. Anyway. They find the girls, and the dragon. Make that two dragons. "Where did you get that?" "ComicCon" AHAHAH. I always get so excited to see Sam as such a badass <3333 YUM.  OMG Sammy, let go, or else your hands are gonna burn! Eek! More Sam awesomeness - he stabs him in the back (and now I get that article that said Sam had longer arms than Dean LOL Yah of course <3333).

End of the episode. And you know what that means? Yep. It's time for a Winchester talk. Sam's apologizing - back to being the responsible, noble person he always has been. This boy is such an amazing character, with such a big heart. We know he doesn't need to apologize, but I understand his need to do so. Makes me think of Season 2, Born Under a Bad Sign, with Dean defending Sam, telling him it wasn't his fault because it wasn't really him - some things never change <3 I just hope Sam and Bobby can work something out soon, and that they get a real hug. Bobby, I know you love Sammy like crazy, so I want to see you hug him like you mean it.

And now we get to see more on why the virgins were necessary - sorta. The guy said he was lucky they had enough - how many exactly did they need? Eesh, I felt SO bad for that girl though. Guess it didn't matter who was her "vessel"? Anyway, I'm not so sure how I feel about this whole thing right now, mother of monsters does sound pretty bad ass, but this DID introduce dragons, which I'm still not so sure about. It also seemed to happen too fast, but that's happened a few times before in the show. The alpha monsters were cool, I especially liked all the stuff with the vampires earlier on in the season, but we'll just have to wait and see where this takes us. There's still a lot to figure out between Heaven and Purgatory. And Purgatory is the one that intrigues me the most right now. Also - for next week, I'm kinda scared.

Ah, I've missed writing reviews, even though it takes me ages. Now, bring on those icons!

supernatural review, supernatural

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