This episode, WHOA. I know I didn't write up a review for the last episode - but that one was totally amazing too. "Pizza man" - that's all I'm gonna say about that one right now <33 YES. Anyways, wow. I won't say anything more, all my jumbled thoughts behind the cut.
Okay, call me stupid but, I didn't know who Robert Englund was until just now - I went to go search for him on IMDB. NO SHIT, HE WAS FREDDY KRUEGER? Why am I such an idiot?! D: *falls over* Anyway, yeah, the doc was cool - although it did kinda worry you when he admitted he didn't have his medical license anymore, and he's working out of a dump like that LOL "The rent's cheap." xD It's always so nice to see new characters that know our boys from way back. He was so cute smooshing Dean's face like that - even though Dean didn't seem to like it very much P:
Your success rate is whaaa? *gulp* Wonder where the doc learned all this by the way - talk about a mad genius. Call me stupid, AGAIN, but seeing the name Benjamin on Dean's letter had me all "huh?" - until I read someone else's thoughts on the episode *headdesk*I don't know if it was the full name that threw me off, or what, but yeah. Anyway, moving on. "You've got 3 minutes." To what? Oh crap, he's dying! This kinda reminded of Inception by the way, the time limit and waking them up, very cool.
I love how much "double" our show gives us, I swear <3 Tessa! And Death is here too! Oh man, Dean's asking Death for favors. So Dean has to choose between Sam and Adam, huh? That shouldn't be too hard - well, not necessarily, I mean, I'm sure Dean doesn't want to leave Adam behind, he's proved that before, but it's just like Adam said himself, Sam is Dean's REAL family. I know if Dean had both right in front of him when made the decision, it would have been that much harder, and at that point he would have tried to find a way to save both. Sorry Adam - I hope they find another way to save him. Uh oh! Dean's not waking up! I wish I could fully understand why Death seems to trust Dean so much - even back in Season 5 - to just hand the ring over to him. I mean, I know Death would get rid of him easily if he screwed up, but still. Now he's trusting him to wear it for a full day and do his job for him! And wow, Dean was gone for 7 minutes - damn!
Annnd, Sam is back with Dean at Bobby's place. Weird, I thought he'd be long gone. How the hell did he come back? He sure as hell didn't look like he was joking around when he turned his back on Dean. Sam, Sam , Sam. All of this has to STOP. And Dean tells Bobby to watch him - that crushed me. Sam gets scarier by the minute. It's scary that every word Sam spoke in this episode made me uneasy.
And the moment arrives! Dean puts on Death's ring, and he is automatically transported somewhere else, where Tessa is waiting. I wonder if Tessa is one of the bigger reapers or what? It would be pretty cool. Oh, Sam is summoning something! And it looks like the warehouse from "Changing Channels" - from the outside at least. Meh, Balthazar. Not very fond of this character so far, don't ask me why. So Sam wants a spell to keep out his soul for good - and now we know why he's trying to kill Bobby in the preview, FFFFF. I've never said I would hate either Sam or Dean, but if Sam would have done something to Bobby, I don't even...*sighs*
Back to Dean and Tessa - looks like Dean's first job is coming right up. It was so awesome to see the cashier pull a gun and save himself and the kid. And Dean's all badass making the guy suffer a little longer before putting him out of his misery. And damn, watching Dean as Death was so fucking hot - the way he carried himself just felt so, I don't know. And him using his ring hand to do it, don't ask me why such a little thing like that sent me over the edge. LOL Dean's reply to the guy dying. "Well this isn't so hard." PFFFF~ "That looks like a heart attack." *guys chokes and falls over* Just goes to show you how death is everywhere. Dean's attempt at sounding wise: "Everything is dust in the wind." "That's it?? A Kansas song?!" *FAIL* OMG Dean's face too, poor baby.
Oh man, suddenly Dean's job gets a lot harder. It's so sweet that Dean refuses to take her life. So Sam's playing cards with Bobby - and what a tense scene. You can tell they're both on edge. And all I'm hoping is that Bobby doesn't get hurt. Once again, Bobby shows us what a badass he can really be <3 I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BOBBY. I still can't believe he struck first, that was fast. And even faster - Sam's gone! Isn't crazy how inhuman he seems to be (besides, you know, the fact that he doesn't have a soul) this season? It's scary as hell! How the hell can he get up that fast and disappear after a hit like that? You can see the blood on his forehead! And again, Bobby prevails! Trap door - AWESOME. And then awkward conversation - why do you want to kill me anyway, Sam?
Oh no! The nurse was in a car accident. All because Dean didn't take the young girl's life. Damn. This whole scene made me tear up - the fact that Dean was so sorry, Tessa saying it was his fault, and the husband running in to see she was dead - it killed me, it really did. Oh no! Sam managed to clobber Bobby over the head and now he's dragging him away - AAAAAAH D: Dean jumps in the car with the grief stricken husband trying to get him to listen and slow down - or else he would get himself killed. This scene had me totally on the edge of my seat - it was so intense. So in the end, Dean ends up pulling off the ring to tell the guy to stop - imagine a guy suddenly popping up in your passenger's seat, whoa. And so, Dean fails. I'll be honest, I wasn't upset at Dean at all, I couldn't. I just sighed and thought, well, they'll find another way, they always do. So he calls Tessa and admits his mistake. He puts the ring back on and returns to the sick young girl at the hospital to take her life. "You better say your goodbyes now" - oh man ;__; I swear, standing right there too see all the pain of those who just lost someone is horrible. And yes, sweetheart. Natural order DOES suck.
"I've been like a father to you!" OH BOBBY! *sobs* I was squealing as Sam almost plunged his knife into Bobby's neck - and Dean appears and knocks him out. I've never been so happy to see him <3 Sam's locked up in the panic room again, and Dean and Bobby talk about how it won't hold him down cause it never has before. Dean looks down at Death's ring in his hand, and I do think Dean did think about killing Sam at that moment. Don't try to kill me for saying it - it's not that I'm a Dean girl or anything, I'm just being honest. Of course I'd never want him to kill Sam. Never. Dean looks into the panic room again as Sam wakes up - the look in Dean's eyes, oh my god. They just get more intense as they get closer and closer.
Dean heads back upstairs to find Death at Bobby's table. Enjoying some more fast food. You know, if Death wasn't so scary , I wouldn't mind dining with him *giggles* It's kinda neat seeing Death much more relaxed with talking to Dean, and vice versa. Dean knows it's over for Sam - or is it? Death still sticks to his deal and says he'll get Sam's soul back - at this point I'm just awestruck staring at my screen like "WHAAAA?" I couldn't catch my breath. Death wants Sam and Dean to continue their investigation of souls - and I think that it is SO awesome that even Death wants Sam and Dean back in the game. But why? I don't think Death has any reason to lie to Dean or to use him. I think he's being honest, for whatever reason that may be. Death puts his ring back on and disappears - Dean runs down to the panic room, past Bobby and swings the door open. Sam is already begging Death to stay away, and my heart gets crushed into even smaller pieces. I don't know about you guys, but when Death said he'd get it back I didn't think he meant AT THAT EXACT MOMENT. So then, it was too much for me to process - at first I just thought he was putting up the wall in Sam's mind and that was gonna be it - but then he pulls out the glowing soul from his bag, HOLY CRAP. And Sam is begging and pleading , and for the first time in 11 episodes, Sam is genuinely SCARED. The look on Sam's face is killing us, and Dean too. Talk about heart breaking, DAMN. ;___; And Sam goes into excruciating pain - why the hell does this last scene have to be the one seared into our brains until January?? AAAAH *cries*
Preview for next episode didn't show much (but that really shouldn't be a surprise - why would they show us what happens after that?). Still, Death told Sam to try not to scratch at his wall because he wouldn't like it. Obviously he's gonna do it. Probably mostly out of curiosity, I think. If Sam's not going to remember - I guess the last thing in his mind will be jumping in the pit. I have a feeling that Dean will squish the crap out of him when Sammy will be all 'puppy eyes' going "Dean?" - at least, that's what I'm hoping anyway. Still, it's good to know Sam has his soul back - any longer and Sam would have really done something awful, no lie. Can it be January yet??