SPN 6.05 Review

Oct 23, 2010 15:51

I've been wanting to talk about this episode ever since I finished watching it last night, but as always, it's good to wait til I've got caps to follow and I try to collect my thoughts as well as I can. Just so you all know, there's no character  bashing in here, just a lot of mixed emotions. This episode had so much to it that it kinda blows me away. Anyway, on to the review.

Okay, so, the intro - took me a little while to get the huge Twilight comparison LOL "I can't stay away from you anymore" "Then don't" OH GOD HAHA.For the record, I am a fan of Twilight, but I'm not one of those scary ones, so no worries P: I realize the story can be pretty cheesy, but I still enjoy it. Bottom line on that though, Jacob is my favorite character, no doubt. ANYWAY, moving on. OH AND HIS NAME IS ROBERT *falls over laughing* Fantastic. Just fantastic. "Your house, does it have velvet?" "Yeah, yeah" LMFAO OH GOD. SPN ILU <33333 *laughs so hard she dies*

Lisa talking to Dean on the phone was so cute. I swear, I really do like Lisa and all, but I still kinda find myself wishing she wasn't there. It's complicated. Anyway, love Dean's adorable smile after he gets off the phone with her AWWW *heart melts* And oh Dean, still interested in teenage girls. I fucking loved his line too "Ice cream comes in lots of flavors, Sam" oh god *fans self*

LOL Sam and Dean confused about the difficulties of raising a teenage girl - "What do you think he means?" "I dunno...drugs?" *shrug* FFFFF. I'm enjoying this way too much. Loved all the black in red in the  girls room, but all the vamp stuff was crazy. I like it that Sam seemed to know where to find the girl's laptop, haha. "He's watching her sleep. How is that not rape-y?" SO MANY GOOD LINES I DON'T EVEN *explodes* Them trying the passwords too - looking at the caps I see now that the girl's name is Kristen, AHAH. Dean suggesting Lautner made me way too happy. TEAM JACOB~ *cough* "He's a werewolf! How do you even know that??" I think the question is, how do you BOTH know that? LOL "How many t's are in Pattinson? AHA!" Too good, too good, I swear.

I still really don't like that Sam is talking more to Grandpa Campbell now instead of Bobby :/ Everything feels so weird. "You think she wears all that rubber to the beach??" AHAHA, another good one, Dean. Seeing Sam and Dean at a place like this felt really awkward too - they're so out of place P: Love how quick Sam took out his vamp. And Dean...follows a fake vamp? Ahaha. "Is this glitter?" "Hey man, I just do it to get laid" and OH GOD DEAN "Does it work?" Only you, Dean, only you <3333

Hearing a guy call Dean pretty, oh my, haha. Look at you Dean, even beating off the boys with a stick P: LOL

Aaaaaand...here it comes. The hit we all weren't ready to take. Dean gets attacked by the vamp and is given blood, and Sam just watches. And not just watches - SMIRKS. WHAT. THE. FUCK. Then it hurt even more that he acted like he was JUST rushing in yelling "NO!" Oh my god - that hurt beyond words. Then they cut to commercials and all I'm still doing it shaking my finger at the tv with tears streaming down my face. I know I've said before, that I didn't doubt that this was Sam, now I'm thinking the total opposite. This so can't be Sam. At least, not completely. This boy is far gone , it's unbelievable. Sam has had his moments, yeah, but he would NEVER, EVER stand by and let that happen. I fell asleep last night just tossing that around in my head. Sammy boy, I could never hate you, but this is the worst thing you've ever done.

I REALLY liked the scene with them when they're back at the motel room, and Dean can't stand the lights, and he pulls the clock from the wall, hah. Don't ask me why, but I really liked that. It must SUCK to hear everything that loud - I'd probably go crazy.  And there Sammy goes, asking him how it feels. It's like Sam is getting some twisted pleasure in all this, and it's really a little sickening.

Dean goes to visit Lisa, and even if this tough situation, I can't help but giggle a little that Dean is watching her sleep. *I'd much rather have Dean watching me sleep than Edward* *coughcough* Again, when Lisa switches on the light - loved all the little details that bothered Dean. And I gotta say, Dean's a pretty tough guy - a newly turned vamp, and not a drop of blood - amazing self control, sweetie <3 Dean slamming Lisa into  the wall MMMMMMMSHITFUCK~ *passes out* And I REALLY wish Ben hadn't come out of his room just then :( It really hurt to see Lisa having to pull away Ben out of fear. This could be very bad for the relationship between Dean and Lisa :( I have a feeling she's going  to tell him to keep his distance now, which is sad.

It was sad seeing Grandpa Campbell pulling out their machetes to protect themselves from Dean when he showed up. I really like that shot of Dean when he tells them not to worry because he didn't drink *melts* And Grandpa suggests a cure, yay! "I didn't come here to kill you , Dean" ;__; I thought it was SO badass/hot that Dean could smell the vamp from miles away FFFF. And what's this now? Sam knew about the cure, huh? Sammy, you're not a very good liar at all. First you tell Dean you're just trying to remain calm (he can hear your heartbeat *guh* - not really into wincest, but that was hot) - and now you tell Grandpa he must have told someone else and not you? Oh jeez. It's not good when we've been suspicious of the Campbells all this time, and now they're looking a little more reliable than you right now, Sammy. This is really not good.

Dean finds the vamp nest! The fist bump with Robert made me giggle so hard. "You must be starving" "Oh no - I killed SO many people on the way here" AHAHA. Dean's a pretty bad liar there too. I'm glad he didn't get in trouble though, since they're not supposed to be killing people like that.

The set for the bottom floor of the nest was absolutely AMAZING.  They did a beautiful job with it.  Aaaand, Dean gets hit on some more, hah. The ceiling was absolutely beautiful too. And more on the "our father" stuff. This is really starting to get interesting. I'm actually really digging all the monster stuff right now - I just hope it ties up well with what's going on in Heaven cause... yeah.

Dean pulls out the Dead Man's Blood, and fails. I was so afraid of him getting the needle instead. Then - what just happened?! All the vamps pass out - for a second I almost thought Dean was going to be an exception, but then I was glad he wasn't - because if he hadn't, we wouldn't have gotten that bad ass vision that he got. The shot of the guy sitting in the garden is beautiful. I wonder if he's the big vamp - creator of all - and if those twin girls were his first or what, hmm. Very interesting stuff. I'd love to see more background like that on the creatures/monsters - it was really badass.

Then Dean himself goes into badass mode by going into a vamp killing spree. Fuck. Loved Sam's kill too - how it slipped off the front of the van. Very nice shot. Dean faces the vamp who turned him and wins. Another AMAZING shot - with Dean's foot on the vamp's head. FUCKING SHIT, SO COOL. Loved the streak of blood all the way to his body. And now I REALLY want to make icons for this episode, shit. I think I really might draw Dean in that pose too, just cause it rocked off my socks THAT MUCH.

Time for Dean to chug down the cure - UGH. I bet THAT tasted like ass, didn't it, Dean? Awww! And then the poor baby pukes himself clean, and I'm cringing on my couch. Again, ANOTHER amazing shot of Dean turning back - it looked EXCRUCIATINGLY painful. Talk about making me feel his pain. And then a flash back of all he saw, and of course, it has to end with Sam's smirk. The next day when Dean is fully back to normal again, Sam is still asking about the vamp nest. Oh god. What is this fascination?? it's driving me crazy. I honestly thought Dean wasn't going to spill the beans on what he saw and all (I think if I was him, I really might have kept it to myself) Dean tries to call Lisa, but hangs up. Sam asks about it, and I kinda start feeling like he's just lying and doesn't really care. This really bites :/

And top the whole thing off? Dean asks if Sam will always have his back , and Sam reassures him. And. Dean actually smiles back. Another painful pang. Dean has had a lot of doubt recently, and you can always see it all over his face, plain as day. But now - when things are REALLY bad, he smiles back like nothing is wrong, and it's killing me on the inside. I don't know if Dean's hiding in a shell now or what, but this REALLY, REALLY SUCKS. ;__; Damn you, SPN. I love you, but you're hurting me so bad right now. I want next Friday so bad.  We need answers. Now.

supernatural review, supernatural

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