SPN 6.02 review

Oct 03, 2010 02:55

This episode rocked my socks off. Things are still a little bumpy, but they're getting better.  Also, I enjoyed this episode so much I had to do some sketches for it. Once I get a chance I'll be sure to scan them and upload them. Okay for my buddies who haven't seen the episode yet, the rest is under the cut!

Intro was scary. Felt like an old school Supernatural episode. It was horrifying to see the baby's face after her mother was pulled away, screaming. Ugh. *shivers* Poor thing.

I felt sorry for Ben, moving to a new place. I was kinda hoping Dean would say something to make him feel better.

Damn Sam looked good in that suit <3 FFFFF~ Samuel's opinion on computers amused me though, hah.

Dean yelling at Ben - I know Dean didn't mean to be so rough with him, but hearing him tell Ben to shut up really hurt. Still, Ben shouldn't have been touching all that stuff, really. Anyway, Dean's a pretty bad liar when it comes to Lisa and Ben. I totally understand Lisa being a little afraid of Dean as well.

The Charger is obviously no Impala, but I sure as hell love seeing Sam driving it around. I kinda giggled at the rumbling sound of the car though, so much quieter than the Impala. Doesn't even come close to her beautiful purr *pets Impala* Sammy's face when he pulls up the table cloth to find the baby was adorable~ But curse them from cutting us off with both of their surprised faces. It's like "WHAT IS IT?? JUST TELL ME!!"

Lisa handling the gun was pretty damn hot. Dean's line to Lisa asking if she missed her boring ex-boyfriend made me chuckle and want to punch him at the same time, haha.

BABY SMILING AT DEAN WAS SO FRIGGIN' ADORABLE~ *melts* Sam not getting what Dean meant about needing supplies was hilarious <3 haha. Oh Sammy, so oblivious~ And Dean knowing so much about baby supplies! EEEE!! And Sam's all like "Not bad" and Dean's all like "I said shut up!" LOL I also like how he knew they were running out of time before the baby started crying and then he grabs this mountain of extra stuff. JUST.SO.CUTE.

OMFG Sam telling Dean to shut the baby up *dies* Oh Sammy how could you be so mean?!?! AHAHAH. Dean scooping the baby up and tilting it from one side to the other was fucking hilarious~ and his "aaaaaaaah" to mock the baby's crying OH GOD. This whole fucking scene was pure win. It's actually what inspired most of my sketches. As soon as I saw it, I was like Oh god, I need to draw this! haha.

Psssh. And how stupid was I. I didn't even notice what Dean did when he said the baby's name, Bobby John. It didn't hit me until they were in the panic room later on in the episode. I totally fail LOL I'm like OOOOOOOH~ I get it. *facepalm* Anyway, shapeshifter lady in the camera scared the shit out of me. Loved Dean's stab line and Sammy's "DEAN!". It was kinda funny seeing Dean tackle an older woman too, haha. By the way guys, grocery store? Not the best place to fight a shapeshifter, kay? Loved seeing Sam hauling ass to the store entrance to pick Dean up.

"Who built this thing? NASA??" Oh man. Hilarious. And Sammy's adorable smile while watching Dean change baby diapers. Bet he thought he'd never see the day. Much less be good at it. Sorry, I'm looking at caps while typing this, so I can try to get it all down, and I'm just squeeing over the adorableness of Dean carrying the baby <333333333 *heart melts into mush* Loved him humming rock songs to put it to sleep too. And again, Sam's surprised looks still amuse me.

Sammy boy, I get what you're trying to tell Dean, but the last thing he wants to hear is that he's acting like his father. Dean's expression broke my heart. I just don't know what I would do if I was Dean either. Must be so terribly difficult. So cute that Dean offered to stay behind though, to watch the baby. But OMG DEAN HAHA. Giving him some of his drink. "Yeah, it's good isn't it?" *dies laughing*

Uh oh. Papa Shapeshifter. It's like Jesse all over again. Creepy when you think you're getting into bed with your husband - especially when you're not. Eww. And more eww when baby goes splat. Sam comes in looking like a badass - again.

Damn those creepy Campbells again. Loved how Dean didn't want to hand the baby over to anyone but Sam. And ugh, I felt so betrayed when that guy knew about Dean in hell. WTF. I couldn't believe it. Sam doesn't want to talk about Hell with Dean, but he goes telling these people (family my ass) about Dean's scarring experiences? So not cool, Sam. So not cool. *shakes head*

Papa Shapeshifter is scary! He changes shape SO quick. And again, can't believe they were shooting it with tranquilizers. What the HELL are they trying to do?!?! I was actually yelling at my screen at this point.

Double Sam! About fucking time!! So damn hot too, GUH. As much as Sam scares me when he's being, well, scary, I can't deny how fucking hot he looks while doing it *dies* That shot of them so close together is gonna make one hot icon. Then we get Double Dean! Now those official episode stills make sense. How the hell can they kill these things anyway??

I still wanna smack Dean on the back of the head for the look on his face after the talk he had with Sam about the whole papa shapeshifter thing. Damn these trust issues! *shakes head* Enough! I swear, if it's Samuel's fault for pulling Sam and Dean apart again, he is so fucking dead, I swear. And who the fuck is he talking on the phone with??! Shit~ I wonder how long it's gonna take for us to find out what's happening here.

Dean's last talk with Lisa was such a great scene. I've seen some of my friends say they just love Lisa more and more, and I totally have to agree. Love how she talks to him. I admit though, I hesitated a little when she said "okay". I was like "you're gonna let him go right??" o_o hah. I think Dean's line to Carmen could have come back here "how did I end up with such a cool chick?" Her "it's worth a shot" was just so cute too. I don't see this working for long though, unfortunately :/

And the last scene with the Impala - I'm sure we can all agree on the awesomeness of that last scene, oh. my. god. I think I totally had an orgasm with Dean revealing that black beauty <3 ahahah. The look on Dean's face - just priceless. I hadn't seen Dean look like that in a LONG time, and it felt so friggin' good. I think I had a lump in my throat the whole time. And was it just me, or did the Impala look EXTRA FUCKING GOOD? Hmm??

And for those who saw the preview for the next episode (spoilers ahead! if you haven't seen the next episode clip!!)
I was bouncing in my seat!! CAS!! I shrieked! SO pumped for next week! And eww! It's those locusts in the brain I saw in that trailer! I'm a super wuss when it comes to bugs guys, just so you know. They creep the shit out of me. Most of my nightmares ARE about insects, so I hope it's not too bad. *shivers* You guys ready to see the boys back in some real action though?? hmm?!?!

Okay guys! I should have the sketches for the episode up by tomorrow! Then after that, I can get my ass on making more icons :D! YAY!

supernatural review, supernatural

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