Mar 17, 2005 22:19
I think I just broke the printer. It didn't print out my document correctly, so I stopped it and did one of those printer test things. However, now it keeps like shaking and I think it's printing, but I'm not really sure. Why do the computers in this house hate me? it's so strange.
i just got back from the best four days ever. I got to visit Key-z in Florida! It's like the best time of the year to go to Florida ever because its freezing here and sooooo nice and warm there. It was so nice to be able to walk outside and not think if I was wearing enough clothing to stay warm. Plus, I happen to love flip flops! And tank tops! And skirts! And shorts! And jewelry!
Ok, jewelry doesn't have too much to do with the warm Floridian weather. However, I seem to feel a need to dress and accessorize nicer when I'm around Queen Ruqqiya.(hmm....I wonder if this has anything to do with it? lol) I like to wear pretty things. I think that I will start wearing more of them, no matter who I'm going to see. Hmmm. I'll have to think about this.
On the way to the airport from Eckerd, the Super Shuttle driver was this funny old man who listened to talk radio. The radio was actually somewhat interesting. It was some guy talking to Americans who live in Paris and how its such like a cliche dream and they feel silly explaining themselves to other people or explaining why they love Paris so much. They also talked about how racism is different there. They talked to an african-american who lived in paris who said that if people knew that she was american they treated her well, but not if they thought that she was french.
so the driver also talked like the whole time to someone on his cell phone about blogs. it was hilarious. he was like the geekiest old guy that i have ever met. it was a real revelation because i never think that old people can be geeky since all that stuff wasn't around when they were young, i guess. but this guy was talking to someone, who i think may have been a writer, and was talking about how he could start a blog to use as a writing sample for his resume and just like put his blog's address on the resume. which was an interesting, but strange, idea. he also talked about how blogs got so popular because during some trial it was more accurate to look in the blogs of the people than to listen to what the reporters said. obviously.
my friend christine the swimmer from smith(not to be confused with christine the swimmer from bentley or christine who lives on my floor from smith) says "obvi" instead of obviously. i might have to steal her expression and start saying it myself. if i do, don't say you weren't warned. lol. it's so strange how many christines i know. I don't think I knew any before going to college. maybe one. i think there was an omni swimmer named christine. i'm not really sure though. lol.
i'm so glad that i had this little vacation. i feel like i can actually think again, which is always a good thing. lol.
andrew bought me lingerie while i was gone! it was so funny. when he picked me up from the airport yesterday, i got to the car and tried to put my stuff in the backseat, but he said i had to put it in the back b/c he made room. lol. like that wasn't a little suspicious. but he got me this cute little nightgown which is very soft and nice. :-D he also got a bottle of rum from his friend(which we could have used saturday!) and kept trying to get me to have rum & cokes. lol. too bad it was so late at night by the time we got back. then he wanted me to have one this morning before he brought me home. hehehe. that would have been interesting. being a little tipsy in front of my dad. hmmmmmm. lol. i might have to apropriate some of the rum for myself for my weekends at smith though. then i will be able to fully enjoy the rum & cokes and not worry about parents or driving or anything. lol. sounds fun. teehehe.
*Happy St. Patrick's Day*
(notice the greeness. lol. i have such holiday spirit)
P.S. I fixed the printer! Yay for me!