APP - MS Paint Town

Jul 10, 2011 16:05

Mun Name: Cynthia
Journal: N/A
Contact Info: AIM - cynthia leers
Other Characters: N/A

Name: Po Ping
From: Kung Fu Panda
Appearance: He’s…uh, a panda? Black and white with a little tail and cute little ears. And fat. Very fat. He wears a brownish pair of darned shorts and what appears to be wraps around his ankles (cankles??), but other than that he’s just…a panda. With severely amusing facial expressions.
Age: Probably around twenty sort of thing, but he’s…uh. A panda. So we don’t really know, though if Tai Lung has been in prison for twenty years and Po simply “knows” who he is, then it makes sense he’s about that age, really.
Gender: Male
Personality: Po is a fanboy, first and foremost. He’s grown up serving noodles in his dad’s place with the only hobby he seems to have being Kung Fu history and everything about it. He collects figures of the Furious Five (and probably every other Kung Fu figurine he can get his paws on as well) and idolizes them in every way possible. Souvenirs are his thing, as long as they relate to Kung Fu, of course.

The only thing larger than Po’s seemingly insatiable stomach is his heart. It may sound cliché and lazy to say this, what with the whole “hooker with a heart of gold” genre that Pretty Woman bombed on the world ages and ages ago, but it’s true. He has so many opportunities to get the hell out of the Jade Palace, to leave after his fat butt has been handed to him by each of the Furious Five and Master Shifu himself, but what kind of giddy fanboy would he be if he did that? This can, of course, be added up to the idea that he’s a secret masochist as long as it’s his idols doing the butt-whooping, but there’s also a great deal of heart to him. After all, something had to endear him to the Furious Five, now didn’t it? After all, there’s a scene where Viper and Mantis are in his room, Mantis providing him with acupuncture for his seemingly nonexistent fully-functional skeletal system by now, and when he notes that it seems that Shifu is trying to get rid of him, they are quick to assure him that that’s not the case, though they know that it is.

Another testament to his seemingly Mariana Trench-like depth of heart comes when his dad tells him that there is no secret ingredient to his secret ingredient soup, and that something is special if you believe it is special. He has every right to stroll through to escape with a noodle stand behind him as the Furious Five evacuate all within the Valley of Peace, but he doesn’t. Instead, he climbs the stairs to the Jade Palace and comes in just in time to save his master from being choked to death by Tai Lung. And, even in their fight, he takes the time to inform Tai Lung that there’s nothing to being the Dragon Warrior other than believing in yourself, and that it’s ultimately you that makes something special.

Before he, uh, of course, “defeats” him, whatever all that may entail, aside from a killer pinkie promise.

Po is also clumsy as hell, though this isn’t Twilight Panda, thankfully. It’s not everyday that someone manages to go through all the levels of the training area and come out with aching gonads and burnt like bad toast, after all. Or come out being the one who created Level Zero. Going back to the “heart” of the matter (hurr hurr, did you like that?), however, Po is extremely gentle with what he idolizes. The knocking over the urn was Shifu’s fault, after all.

Wrapping the idea of BIG HEART CLUMSY BEAR into a whole, it could be said that Po is a gorilla in the most Jane Goodall sense of the term-a gentle giant.

Backstory: I’ve only seen the second one once, unfortunately, so if anything is off or what have you, feel free to correct me, but I’m doing my best here!

Once upon a time, there was a family of albino peacocks that didn’t belong to Lucius Malfoy. And they were Chinese, and they could talk, and one of them happened to be Gary Oldman, but not Sirius Black.

Anyway, this peacock family ruled over a big part of China, blah blah blah, their son was a total douchebag and nobody liked him because he was a dick and stuff. A soothsayer informed him that he would be killed by a warrior of black and white, so the peacock got all paranoid-er and ordered the death of pandas. Because, of course, they are the only black and white animals in the entire world. (And, also, Dreamworks is racist.)

So this peacock guy also has a pyro side to him, and lays waste to Panda-land with fire and iron and big explosions. He’s also enlisted the help of wolves and other Animal Villains and, together, they apparently kill all the pandas.

However, there is a mother panda who has a baby panda and finds a bunch of boxes with radishes in them. Because this panda is Jack Black, he will eat anything, therefore she hides him in there. While carnage goes on and Smokey the Bear weeps for the woods, this baby panda, Po, remains safe in a box of radishes.

These radishes are sent to a goose who uses them in his noodle soup. However, he finds that this fat panda cub has eaten the majority of them, which he takes as a sign not to use them anymore.

Oh, and he takes the cub and raises him as his son.


Po is totally unhappy making noodles for eternity. He lives upstairs with a variety of bowls and the like, as well as action figures of his most favourite Kung Fu warriors, the Furious Five. Called down for work, it’s revealed that the kitchen is too small for him to stand up in entirely, and also that he really doesn’t do well as a waiter due to being so fat that he makes baby bunny rabbits cry.

There’s a big thing happening at the Jade Palace, and Po finally gives up on carrying a noodle stand up an endless torment of stairs…only to get there right as the doors shut. He bangs on them to be let in, but there’s a bunch of pigs playing little bitty drums at the same time so he’s not heard. After a series of comical attempts to get inside the barred doors, his dad comes to try and understand what he’s doing without noodles and nearly-bad bean buns at his side. Finally, Po confesses that his true love is Kung Fu…too soon, however, because the fireworks on his chair of death don’t work…

Until he’s blown sky-high and ends up getting pointed at by Master Oogway, a kick-ass old turtle Kung Fu Master that declares that the fat panda is, in fact, the Dragon Warrior.

The bad guy, a snow leopard named Tai Lung, has escaped from prison and legend foretells that only the Dragon Warrior can take the Dragon Scroll and have limitless power. And that only this Dragon Warrior can defeat Tai Lung.

The Furious Five and Master Shifu are so aghast that a big fat furry flabby panda has been declared the Dragon Warrior that they do pretty much everything to make him leave. Unfortunately for them, Po is a masochist if it involves getting his butt kicked by warriors he has action figurines of, and therefore doesn’t leave.

Until, that is, Master Oogway ascends in a scene that makes me want to cry even though I have no heart or soul to speak of because Shifu loses everyone in his life ever in less than an hour, and the Kung Fu teacher reveals that Tai Lung is totally going to come and kill everyone and their only hope is the panda.

And then he runs like a bat out of hell with legs to get away. However, Shifu catches him and decides he must train him SOMEHOW to beat the crap out of his former son-figure. Eventually, he manages to find him beating the hell out of everything in the kitchen because he’s hungry, and is impressed, shocked, and baffled by the how the hell he can be so flexible and not clumsy if it comes to food.

He takes him on a giant hike and there’s a montage, and basically Po learns Kung Fu by being tempted with food. Unfortunately, there is not much time for him to be awesome and talk about it. About ten seconds into being in the Jade Palace, Crane nearly smashes them with the other four of the Furious Five, being paralyzed by Tai Lung after an epic rope bridge fight that even Indiana Jones applauds from afar.

Shifu takes them inside and retrieves the Dragon Scroll, which is completely blank (though really quite shiny). Feeling defeated, he tells the Furious Five and Po to evacuate the valley, that he will hold off Tai Lung until they can do so. Everyone is worried that he will die, but he tells them that he couldn’t be prouder of them and that it’s now their destiny to continue on without him.

(Here we also learn that Jackie Chan is fond of piglets.)

Po goes back to carry a noodle stand for his dad, who reveals that there’s no actual secret ingredient to his soup. No sauce, no spice, no loogies, no nothing. It’s just special because other people believe it is. And that means that a blank, shiny scroll now makes perfect sense.

Po manages to get up the eternal stairs of ultimate torture in time to save his master from death, and in time to tempt Tai Lung with the Dragon Scroll. Their battle is legendary in its creativity, and it ends with Po smacking the snow leopard into a wall and trying to get through to him with his big furry heart of hugeness, but it doesn’t really work.

So he blows him up or something, it’s not very clear, and a giant golden mushroom cloud permeates the valley. Tai Lung is defeated, and the Valley is safe, and there are no pigs fat enough to carry the Dragon Warrior on their shoulders.

He runs back to Shifu, who has finally found inner peace and is not dead, though Po thinks so, and there’s a moment where he manages to shut up for all of thirty seconds. But, Po has fought the good fought all night long, and there is a rumbly in his tumbly, so he eventually interrupts his inner peace, and they agree to get food.



As for the holiday special…basically, the Dragon Warrior is supposed to provide this great holiday meal for the heads of Kung Fu across the regions, but this also means he can’t cook with his dad, which Shifu doesn’t seem to get. He gets so frustrated with all the rules and things he can’t ever hope to learn, he eventually cooks himself and uses a bunny he accidentally shamed to help him as his dad refuses to cook for the palace. Why? Because Mister Ping’s is a family place, and lonely people need others on the holidays. Oh, and lonely people pay very well.

Anyway, so he finally manages to get this entire evening planned, but shows boredom throughout, and eventually has a breakdown speech that no one seems to understand at first. He ends with telling them that even if it means he’s a bad host right now, he has to go be a good son. And leaves.

Shifu is totally upset by this, but Po goes back to help his dad at Mister Ping’s. Not much later, however, the Furious Five and the Kung Fu Masters show up to have a hearty meal, with Master Thundering Rhino being totally boss and the like. Shifu, upset, is wandering around the city wondering out loud why Po had to go and ruin something so perfect. It’s not until he comes across the warm light and pleasantry seeping out through the entrance of Mister Ping’s that he realizes that perfection is not rules and regulations, but family where one might not see it, and not being afraid to stay among the people, if you will.

Shifu goes to walk away but Po sticks his head around and reiterates one of his dad’s greatest lines: “There’s always room for one more at Mister Ping’s.”

Shifu turns and seems completely surprised, but tells him that he can’t possibly come and dine with him, because they’re “your people.” Without hesitation, Po replies with, “You’re my family, too, Shifu.”

Before he can scoot him in, Shifu says: “I may not always understand what goes on in your head…but your heart will never let us down.”

And then, the second movie:

Remember the peacock from the beginning? He comes back to Gongmen City with a weapon that spits metal and breathes fire, aka a cannon. He aims to rule China and bring about the death of Kung Fu, starting by killing Master Thundering Rhino and putting Masters Storming Ox and Croc into a prison they could easily break out of. Shifu sends Po and the Furious Five to destroy the weapon and bring Lord Shen to justice…

Po has recently found out he was adopted (for certain, this time!), and that his father found him in a basket of radishes outside his shop. Hungry and dirty, he took the baby panda in and raised him as his own son. This does not sit well with Po, who doesn’t understand how he fit in such a small basket, why his baby self didn’t want to wear pants, where he’s from, and who he is.

Once they arrive at Gongmen City, they have to arrive at the palace through a city of wolves, but end up getting caught even though it seemed they had the upper hand. Brought up in chains and on the back of a gorilla because Po’s worst enemy is stairs. There, in captivity, he finds out his true origins and is nearly killed as Shen brings down his ancestral home in complete insanity.

Back at the jail, Po tells the Furious Five that the reason he didn’t end Shen when he had him was because he had to know more, what happened the night that he became the only panda. Tigress tells him to stay, there’s a fight, and eventually he acts like he’s going to stay. The Five go to destroy the building housing all the weapons, but have to abort their plan and fight when they find Po in the building. Shen runs from every battle, instead opting to lie to Po and say his parents abandoned and hated him before firing off one of the largest cannons at him, him with only a pot between them.

Thought dead, Shen chains the Five across one of the many boats loaded with cannons he intends to use to travel throughout China and make the whole country his. Unbeknownst to Shen, however, a Soothsayer that helped raise him and had been released had found the panda in a river and told him the truth. Once he stopped fighting what he thought was a nightmare, he remembered and realized that even though his story didn’t have the happiest beginning, all that mattered was what he chose to be, and that the most important time was the present (an echo from the first movie).

Armed with Inner Peace, he goes to free the Five and bring Shen to justice. It doesn’t go exactly as planned, but Kung Fu wins in the end and they all return home, Po with two baskets of radishes for him and his dad to cook with. He knows who he is now: 1) he is Po and 2) he is his father’s son.


Moral Standing: GOOD. He is on the side of good so legendary that he dreams about being so legendary that everything is good because of his legendary goodness.

Dreams: TO BE THE GREATEST KUNG FU WARRIOR OF ALL TIME. And to make, like, everyone ever proud of him and stuff. Seriously, being the Dragon Warrior was the greatest dream he could have achieved, so it’s basically a moot point by now.

Fears: OHO~! Since he’s taken post-first movie, it’s the basic stuff of being a failure and letting people down, such as Shifu, his dad, and the Furious Five. I may canon update after I see the second another time or two, but there’s also a tiny little part of him that wonders where the hell all the other pandas in China got off to. Still, however, his worst fears are disappointing those he looks up to, those he loves, and anything bad happening to them.

With a side of someone not liking his cooking. He may not be noodlefolk by blood, but he’s made and slurped down enough broth that it’s part of his DNA, whether he’s a goose or not.

Extra: This app is seriously the most ridiculous thing I have ever had to portray due to the amount of sappiness such as believing in the power of yourself and being special and the like, so I tried to add as much humour as possible. I’ve been assured that it’s all good and well, but if it, uh, offends or something, I can redo it. I hope that it at least gets across that I understand everything and stuff.


Writing Sample:

Po, the Dragon Warrior, finished climbing the stairs to the Jade Palace, bowls of massive dumplings on his head and flabby arms, ending at the tips of his paws.

It wasn’t everyday that he had a most awesome lunch session with Master Shifu, after all. The red panda had been very quiet and hard to read when restraining his face at eating the noodles he had grown to perfect every day of his life, but these were Dragon Warrior Dumplings, and no one could deny their perfect awesome deliciousness of perfection.

He noticed as he made his way up to the Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom that a small sapling had breached the gentle soil, something he hadn’t noticed before. Well, it could have just been a weed or something, but it seemed a little more precious than that. A lot of things seemed more precious up here, thanks to his talk with Master Oogway, but that could have just been Po being sentimental.

“Master, Master!” he called, setting the bowls down and looking around for any sign of the red panda, which he was somehow missing entirely. It wasn’t like Shifu to be late for anything, and Po was right on time, so what gave?

Oh, this was a test. Clearly, it had to be. And that thought was totally validated when he felt his head smacked by a bamboo pipe, which caused him to wince, but not to whine.

No, Po wasn’t going to whine anymore. Not this Po.

Not the Dragon Warrior.

Nor was he going to lose every dumpling he’d made to his master. It was on.
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