
Feb 02, 2005 18:17

I wish I had my digital already so I could show you ALL how flippin curly my hair is tonight!!!! Woohoo for mousse, gel, volumizing spray, hairspray, fingers to scrunch with and a hair dryer with a defuser!!! Wooo. I DID take some pics...but I gotta finish my roll of film so unfortunately for now Barrett is the only one on here that gets to see it ( Read more... )

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someoneweird February 3 2005, 19:46:55 UTC
hahahahahahahahahahaha cool..........


surfnchik415 February 3 2005, 20:51:52 UTC
Whoa honey! That's a lot of stuff, hahahaha! Curls are fun. :-)


savedbygrace381 February 4 2005, 01:33:02 UTC
yeahhh hahaha it WAS a lot of stuff but I loved it!! Well see how I feel about doing it Sunday :D


someoneweird February 4 2005, 01:54:39 UTC
yeah you should cuz then i can be like "OMG amanda i just luuuuuuuuv your hair!"......or something like that......


thatcowfreak February 4 2005, 15:41:04 UTC
dude sam, want me to get you some pink shoe laces? freeeaaakkkyyy..

that's cool amanda :-D sounds like almost the amount of stuff to get my hair straight....you guys don't wanna know what crap i do to get my hair straight. it's gross. :)


someoneweird February 4 2005, 17:14:10 UTC
no no pink shoe laces for me......wow i'm glad i'm not a girl (no offense or nothin') but you guys are crazy.....i like use some gel and if i need to some hair spray sometimes.......


thatcowfreak February 4 2005, 22:36:45 UTC
dang but you would look so good in pink. haha j/k
yeah i wish i could have like no hair, i could save alot of time and money that way...


someoneweird February 5 2005, 01:52:21 UTC
oh well.....you could cut it all of....and you'd save a heck of a lot of money........ok maybe don't do that.......


thatcowfreak February 5 2005, 15:08:40 UTC
yeah i'm not cutting all my hair off....unless someone gives me like $1,000 or something. ya know i dunno if i would even do it then


someoneweird February 5 2005, 18:51:13 UTC
whoa are you serios?!?!?!?!? dude a thousand dollars is kind of a lot of money........


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