Jan 14, 2018 15:37
Hey all. This is a final reminder and call-out for any one who may want to take over the fan site I have for Dylan Bruno.
Due to circumstances where I haven't had time to update the website, and now with my inability to update the website even if I had time, I have decided that DylanBruno-Online[dot]net will close January 31, 2018. I have ceased paying for the domain and hosting service.
If anyone would be interested in creating your own website, and need the resources from DBO.net, please feel free to send me a LJ message and we will see what we can do. I will happily share all the resources I have for the site.
The good news is, I think most of you follow Dylan on Twitter to get his most up-to-date information when he shares it so there's that.
If you haven't followed him on Twitter, please do so: @dylanbruno12.
DylanBruno-Online was a labor of love, but sometimes you must admit when it's time to let go. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I have. <3