Websites: Updated 12-09-2012

Dec 09, 2012 18:04

Hi all. Yes, I'm still alive. Yes, I'm still on LJ. I just haven't had the presence of mind to be on social media much lately.

But, for today... I have some updates for you for

The first is that we’ve added pics from Fixing Pete to the Movies gallery (finally.)

Also, Dylan and Emmeli participated in this year’s Deer Valley Celebrity Ski Fest. Unfortunately I missed it when it aired on CBS, but I’ll hopefully be able to give you all a head’s up when it airs again (as it usually does.) In the meantime, our good friend Amelia sent us some pics from Getty Images from the event. You can find those in the Public Appearances gallery.

A note: it’s come to our attention that someone on Facebook is claiming to be the real Dylan Bruno (under the name Colby Dylan Granger.) I’m not an expert, but from what I’ve seen of the page, this is not the case. Please always exercise caution online - whether you’re looking for information about your favorite celebrity or sharing your information with those who claim to be someone you know. Let’s all stay safe out there. If we hear otherwise about Dylan and Facebook, we will let you know.

I would also like to add that there is an alleged Official Website for Dylan available now, claiming there will be blog posts from Dylan himself. Personally, I am not convinced. I would expect an official site, associated with Dylan, to have more class than to steal files that I made. If it were really Dylan, I'd think he'd have access to his own sound bites and they wouldn't have to use the crappy audio file from Rides that I made 5 years ago with limited technology. But, to each their own to decide. After the Twitter debacle, I am not easily swayed... though I am easily offended by people trying to pull one over on fans.

In any event, we hope to have more updates for you early in the new year. Until then, stay safe and be good to each other. Happy holidays!!!!


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