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Mar 07, 2012 09:23

I want to see more...( Read more... )

inquiry, picspam

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kes_cross March 8 2012, 12:55:58 UTC
As a known devotee of all things DB and a dedicated surfer myself, do you have ANY idea how happy these pics make me? Really? ANY idea? G'on, guess... Yep, THAT happy...*Is happy...*


lilacs_roses March 8 2012, 16:57:00 UTC
Hey you, haven't seen you for awhile /huggs!!


ym4yum1 March 9 2012, 01:03:39 UTC
:D *kisses*


kes_cross March 9 2012, 12:07:00 UTC
Aww, thanks, guys! Been so UNBELIEVABLY busy you just wouldn't credit it. Plus being ill, surprise birthday parties for mates who live 300 freakin' miles away (where I managed to pick up a particularly dirty strain of 'Essex flu'), work, more work, um, more work and yep, more bleedin' work has taken me away from the warm, snuggliness that is the Save Colby community!

Back to full fitness now, swimming and training in preparation for the surfing season and trying to find some kind of a work/life balance that isn't skewed towards working 80 hour weeks every damn week. So them thar piccies of his nibs shirtless and surfing his little heart out were just what the doctor ordered (actually, the doctor ordered me to take antibiotics, but I digress...)

Hope you are all good and thanks for the N3 yumminess over at We Are Numb3rs in Feb, just legend, mate, absolute legend!

Love you all.



ym4yum1 March 9 2012, 12:57:57 UTC
Hugs and kisses dear! :)


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