
Jul 05, 2006 21:51

Hello everybody!

I'm home on vacation for the week, just so you know.

Here's an article for you all that I wrote recently. Enjoy =)

A perfect God of law and order demands a perfect logic. Certainly a logic higher and better than ours. If you believe God's Word, the Bible, then the following verses make perfect sense.

(Proverbs 3:5)
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
(Proverbs 3:6)
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Ah, but you might say, "I don't believe the Bible! Why should I believe the Bible? It's only a book written by silly men in tents 2000 years ago!"

I readily admit that I cannot "prove faith". Now, are you ready to admit that you cannot prove your faith either?

Yes, your faith. You have faith in something, some answer for how we all got here. Think about it. What is the very first axiom we find in the Bible?


Genesis 1:1

In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.


Here, we have the explanation for the existence of a trinity of known entities: Time, Space, and Matter.

Each entity is a trinity in itself.

Time= Past, Present, and Future.
Space= Length, Width, and Height.
Matter= Solid, Liquid, and Gas.

A trinity of trinities in only 10 words. The Bible says God made these things. Now then, I have a question.

Apparently, some of you do not believe in God. That is your choice, of course. What then do you believe brought this trinity of trinities into existence? Furthermore, how do you know?

Once you have your answer, examine it. Can you prove it? I highly doubt it. Does your answer have any element of faith in it, any shadow of belief at all? Then you are a man of faith, as I am.

Proof always converts correct faith into knowledge, and always destroys incorrect faith. In the next world, faith shall be shed along with our old bodies. If you cannot prove your faith either, then you do not know that my faith is wrong.

Once you can admit that your own answers are also based on an unprovable faith, we can continue.

Next question. Why do you believe what you believe? Whether it be evolution or the flying spaghetti monster or whatever, why do you believe it?

Is it because that's all you have been taught all your life? Then your answer would be something such as, "I believe God/evolution/big bang/(whatever you believe in) got us here because that's what my Mom/Dad/teacher/preacher/scientist/textbook author told me!"

Is it because you did your "own research"? Heh. See the previous entry then. Library books, College classes and websites are still second hand knowledge. Furthermore, you still depend on a higher authority than yourself for that knowledge.

Is it because you thought real hard and tried to figure it out on your own? Well then, aren't you in dangerous waters. Do you possess infallible logic, unbiased reasoning, and infinite knowledge and wisdom? If not, then I'd say you are still under the influence of your chosen authority.

Is it because it "feels right"? Bah. Feelings do not determine truth anymore than majority opinion does.


Conclusion? Your belief is based on the authority you have chosen for yourself. My belief is based on the Bible; therefore the Bible molds my thoughts, words, and actions. At best, I am just a representative for my authority.

Did you know that your authority is also shaping your thoughts, words, and actions? You represent your authority as well, whether you like it or not.

Although I cannot prove my faith, I can provide evidences for my faith. I will list some.

1. God's voice was audibly heard by approximately 2 million Jews (the entire Hebrew nation was there) when He gave the 10 Commandments. His voice terrified them so much they thought they were going to die.

Exodus 19:16 And it came to pass on the third day in the morning, that there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud; so that all the people that was in the camp trembled.
Exodus 19:17 And Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God; and they stood at the nether part of the mount.
Exodus 20:1
And God spoke all these words
Exodus 20:19
And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but let not God speak with us, lest we die.

This is a strong historical evidence. I doubt very seriously that the entire Jewish nation would have passed on such a thing if they knew it wasn't true.

2. Fulfilled prophecy

Jesus alone fulfills a couple hundred Old Testament prophecies. One of which, known as the 70 weeks of Daniel, gives the exact year that the Messiah would be murdered. Here's a good link if you would like to see for yourself.

The wise men who came to visit the young Jesus were of the order established by Daniel himself, by the way. Very interesting indeed.

3. Integrity of the Scriptures

No factual statement in the Bible has been proved incorrect.

4. The testimony of those who saw Christ after His resurrection.

The actions of the disciples and the 500+ eye witness accounts who saw Christ for themselves after the resurrection are substantial evidence.

5. The testimony of changed lives.

Not a proof, I know, but certainly we would expect the Book of the true God to have a profound impact on the lives of those who trust it.

6. Answered prayer.

Sadly, in our days the evidence of answered prayer is not as visible as it once was. George Mueller was a great example, who prayed in over 7 million dollars in current day cash over the course of his lifetime.
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